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Why Do People Come To Computer Audiophile To Display Their Contempt For Audiophiles?

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5 hours ago, AJ Soundfield said:

Wait, it's not just those crazy "Objectivist" folks insisting relevance only at DAC output? Who knew...


And how do you propose to establish this audibility correlation? Using what method?

Or is that presumed done and we are about to hear all about this "linewidth" sound?


Why can't you trust your ears? Seems some people have serious problems in that area. 

Its the sound not just the music and its how it makes one feel. "Non-audiophiles" don't get the sound part.  Audiophiles are so keen on the sound. Why aren't you? 

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4 minutes ago, esldude said:

That a preferred vinyl recording could go thru an AD/DA stage and sound the same as if it didn't. So any preference one had for vinyl is not due to vinyl being a more accurate medium.

Yes I know. I was on a fishing expedition for my amusement. :) No need for me to continue the charade. 

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Like does  USB device A sound better than USB device B. I doubt the conductor, first violinist, or orchestra administrator auditioning a violinist feels the kind of stress I referred to.


Stress? Listening to stereos? Please. 


I can understand how stressful it must be when deep down in your psyche you know your hearing ain't all that good to begin with despite all claims to the contrary. Blind tests usually lead to lots of embarrassing consequences and lots of exciting entertainment for the rational folks.

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Just now, firedog said:

Again, all sorts of assumptions and projections that  exist nowhere except among your own stereotypes and prejudices. Embarrassment could have absolutely nothing to do with it. 

I guess for some of you everything is obvious. 

Try to consider for  a moment that not everyone reacts like you do to a given situation.. 

Well then, denial isn't just a river in Egypt. :) 


Please explain how, in the comfort of your own home, a blind test could create so much "stress" that it would cause you not to hear what is normally glaringly obvious in a sighted test?


Why can't you accept the possibility that maybe your hearing isn't infallible? That maybe you aren't perceptually perfect? That maybe your claims of superior hearing are just that, claims. That you hide behind and can never audibly demonstrate in the real world? 


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6 minutes ago, jabbr said:

Don't know. There are various biases that might be introduced in a study. There are also both Type I and Type II errors, both of which need to be prevented. To wit, some systems may make both things under test sound the same.

So which do you think is more likely to be true: differences can be heard that can't be measured, yet are somehow designed into the equipment and only manage to manifest in casual, uncontrolled,  bias-overloaded sighted listening, or the differences can't be heard as demonstrated by scientifically accepted, controlled blind test methods demonstrating no magical "measured yet somehow designed into the equipment beyond scientific understanding" and demonstrating that human hearing is not perfect, that bias can affect what we hear? 


Which is the more likely scenario here? Please explain your theory. 

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9 minutes ago, firedog said:

Well, since I didn't claim to have "infallible" hearing or "perfect" perception or "superior" hearing, your question is a) irrelevant; and b) a perfect demonstration of what I claimed - that you are projecting your prejudices and preconceptions onto the discussion.


I don't have to explain or prove anything to you about stress. Your understanding or confirmation is meaningless. If listening tests don't stress you, good for you. Maybe I'm different. I can guarantee you I've been in some situations I didn't find stessful that you would. Horses for courses, as it were. 


I also didn't refer to not being able to hear something "glaringly" obvious because of stress in a home listening test.  Again just you projecting onto my posts something I didn't claim and twisting my meaning so that you can make arguments. Set up all the red herrings and straw men you want, if it makes you feel good. Doesn't prove your point. 

Yes, we know this is just an excuse that audiophiles use to shift the blame on to something other than their hearing. The perfect escape clause.


If you don't have perfect hearing and/or perception then you understand you have limits. Thank you for admitting that. 

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There are lots of things that are not measurable and not just in audio/video. So is your plan to stifle anything that can't currently be measured? I disagree with that. My friend, famous audio engineer John Curl, says that we can only measure a small percent of what we can hear. 

Oh boy. Pray tell, what can't be measured in terms of sound? Please be specific. 


If we can only measure a small percent of what we hear and there are apparently many things that can't be measured using current technology then how are these "sounds" designed and engineered into the products? Divine intervention? :) I didn't know that alchemy was alive and well in 2017. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It boils down to whats important to you . Otherwise you create this infinite loop of constantly changing equipment .  So it starts like this 
Say you buy the best speaker you can afford be it B&W 802D or Vivid B whatever 
the journey becomes finding the right amp to drive them . 
If say you get a rotel 1092 and its bright and clinical you not then gonna go look for new speakers because the Rotel doesn't  sound good .
You instead look for another Amplifier . The Rotel is too bright 
Try a Arcam amp and it sounds dull and boring  , Then still you look for another amp . Arcam is dull and boring 
try a Classe and your speakers come alive then you are happy 
It also works the reverse . You get your beautiful amplifier . Your hunt becomes about speakers 
its how the different speakers relate to your system

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