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I am thinking of buying these but don't know if they can work or add anything in my setup and would appreciate anyone's opinion

I currently have a pre-multibit 2013 Gungnir and a Magni and use SH598's and RS195's(both with my iPad air 2) streaming TIDAL/Qobuz with Audivrana 2+/Amarra Sq+&with Tidal/ROON

Will the J add anything used as amp/headphone amp as i don't think I need it as a DAC-I sometimes find the Magni 'fatiguing' and SQ seems to become 'harsh' after long listening-I assume the J connects to Gungnir the same way as the Magni does will it 'improve' what i hear through the 598's?


In regards to the FULLA will it add anything to the SQ from my iPad when used to listen to music from either the 598's or the RS195's-in my opinion with my still really good 68yo ears the SQ is really really good ie dead black silence between songs outstanding depth clarity and separation without adding a portable add-on DAC?

Does it make any difference that the FULLA'S edges are sharp and the volume wheel is supposedly too small to manipulate as some derogatory youtube and written reviews say?

And will I need an Apple Camera kit(39$one) to eliminate any static with the iPad and to keep it charged on trips or in my car(I may start using my iPhone as Chris does with the DF RED)


AND finally would I just be better off upgrading my Gungnir to multibit forget the J keep or upgrade the Magni and definitely buy the FULLA or DF RED or Meridian explorer 2(my CFO is allowing me believe or not to spend 1000+$ of MY money on upgrades including a lifetime ROON subscription and SQPlayer!!! I might even buy JRMC-she obviously isn't an audiophile and doesn't consider me one)

thanks bobbmd

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They are not 99$ headphones either of them more like 300-500$ at time I purchased them

I didn't ask for criticism of my equipement,pandaho I asked for some advice and since you are newbie you have no business even answering my post unless you had something constructive to say-I can understand and laugh or ignore an answer like that from veteran CA people not you

And by the way I listen also using speakers and those are about 5000$ back in the day

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Don't invest in more electronics for these headphones. The HD 598 is a Sennheiser "value" product. Take a look at their audiophile headphones first or research other brands offerings that are far better than those 598s. Schiit themselves also recommend investing in better tranducers instead of trying to fix deficiencies in transducers with expensive DACs and amplification.


I apologize in advance if you think I had no business replying to your question.

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don't know if they can work or add anything in my setup and would appreciate anyone's opinion
They are not 99$ headphones either of them more like 300-500$ at time I purchased them

I didn't ask for criticism of my equipement,pandaho I asked for some advice and since you are newbie you have no business even answering my post unless you had something constructive to say-I can understand and laugh or ignore an answer like that from veteran CA people not you

And by the way I listen also using speakers and those are about 5000$ back in the day


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Vajtful-I was not referring to you I was referring to oatp1b1 and my question/request had nothing to do with my HEADPHONES which I am very happy with it had to do with the 2 Schiit products listed in the title of my post DON'T YOU PEOPLE READ? I guess you are like all other people born after 1980-don't listen don't read and I have been using sennheiser products forever and am happy with what I have/the Schiit products are not 'expensive' and I have had many conversations with Schiit and they never said what you are implying to me-the addition of first magni/modi then Gungnir and use of 'inexpensive' players into my Mac mini ie TIDAL/Qobuz/ROON VASTLY IMPROVED THE SQ CLARITY DEPTH AND SEPARATION of my listening pleasure through my expensive(at the time) sound reproduction equipement speakers amp/preamp and just my headphones

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You have no idea how old I am, and guess what, I am much older than you think. I guess you are like a grumpy old man who asks a question, and instead of thanking anyone who took the time answering, and instead of reading what they have to say, you yell them with your caps lock on. Just read your last sentence out loud...


Once again, upgrading your budget headphones will improve your sound quality far more than upgrading your already decent electronics.

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  • 1 month later...

You will need a powered USB dock to use a Fulla with an iPad. I have a Fulla that I had plugged into a MBP. It was ok but frankly, i had some noise issues with it. Turned out to be a bad cable. Anyway, I believe there is other stuff out there for an iPad. Like a dragonfly red of which I hear good things.


i might add I upgraded my gungnir to the multibit version and it has a sweet sound. Highly recommended.

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i might add I upgraded my gungnir to the multibit version and it has a sweet sound. Highly recommended.


i agree with this -- if you've got the budget, upgrade your gungnir and get the jotunheim. that'll give you a really good foundation!

(1) holo audio red (hqp naa) > chord dave > luxman cl-38uc/mq-88uc > kef reference 1
(2) simaudio moon mind 2 > chord qutest > luxman sq-n150 > sennheiser hd600
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