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You can try DSF conversion quality with FREE version (output file limited 2 min). DSF supported by Audiophil-E and PROduce-R versions. More details comparing of versions in table at bottom AuI's page.

AuI ConverteR 48x44 - HD audio converter/optimizer for DAC of high resolution files

ISO, DSF, DFF (1-bit/D64/128/256/512/1024), wav, flac, aiff, alac,  safe CD ripper to PCM/DSF,

Seamless Album Conversion, AIFF, WAV, FLAC, DSF metadata editor, Mac & Windows
Offline conversion save energy and nature

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If it's mac, try this one:


DSD Master


You have to buy it through the itunes. It's working fine for me and I find it better than Korg Audiogate, which (although free) has the annoying twitter announcement everytime you convert a file.


I was wondering when someone would mention DSD Master. I've used it recently to convert a number of DSD tracks to PCM at 176.4khz sample rate. It handled DFF and DSF files without problems, and they sound very good to my tin ears!


AND buying it supports the guys who also produce Bit Perfect. :)


Fairly effortless and reliable software that does what it claims. What more can one ask for?

Synology NAS, Mac Mini 2011 (with SSD and 16GB RAM), Lampizator L4 Gen4 PCM DAC, Concert Fidelity CF-080 LSX2 line pre-amp, SGR CX4F active speakers, Apple iPad (as remote).


Software: OS X Mavericks, Amarra Symphony 3.0 with iRC/Audirvana Plus 1.5.12/, Remoter VNC (on iPad). CAD OS X script v2.2 (to remove redundant processes).


OS X Mavericks running from SD card; 8 GB RAM disk for music files.


All connected via a snakes nest of various exotic cables! ;o)

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If it's mac, try this one:


DSD Master


You have to buy it through the itunes. It's working fine for me and I find it better than Korg Audiogate, which (although free) has the annoying twitter announcement everytime you convert a file.


That looks pretty interesting. I'm curious with a USB DAC limited to 24/96 if it's worth the effort. Other than the potential mastering will I really gain anything. I do have the option of introducing a USB/SPDIF converter for 24/192 operation.

"A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open."
Frank Zappa
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I was wondering when someone would mention DSD Master. I've used it recently to convert a number of DSD tracks to PCM at 176.4khz sample rate. It handled DFF and DSF files without problems, and they sound very good to my tin ears!


AND buying it supports the guys who also produce Bit Perfect. :)


Fairly effortless and reliable software that does what it claims. What more can one ask for?


Precisely my experience. Although my W4S Dac-2 DSDse plays DSD tracks exquisitely, my auxiliary system is not DSD enabled (yet) and DSD Master is reliable and tracks play with excellent SQ. Worth the price and effort. Thank you, BitPerfect.?


Enjoy the music,


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I was wondering one thing !?


If for example; One transcode's DSF to FLAC (with dsd2flac) and after that you transcode FLAC to AIFF (hope you are following me :) )........... What is the final result ?


Are you getting AIFF in the same quality like if you would use audio gate to make DSF to AIFF or is it not the same ????


The reason I am asking is to not need to get audiogate and use just dsd2flac and afterwards make flac to aiff ?!



What do you think ?

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You can convert dsd->flac->aiff without loosing quality on stage flac->aiff.

AuI ConverteR 48x44 - HD audio converter/optimizer for DAC of high resolution files

ISO, DSF, DFF (1-bit/D64/128/256/512/1024), wav, flac, aiff, alac,  safe CD ripper to PCM/DSF,

Seamless Album Conversion, AIFF, WAV, FLAC, DSF metadata editor, Mac & Windows
Offline conversion save energy and nature

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  • 1 year later...



DSF/DFF to AIFF, WAV,... supported since Audiophil-E edition from $109.7 (on this post date).


AuI ConverteR PROduce-RD (from $249.8 on this post date) create output DSF and support full range clickless technologies.


I.e. more correctly comparing Audiophil-E edition here.


Our AuI ConverteR was developed for music production first.


But was made available for consumer market too.


In my opinion, for opening of all abilities of modern home audio need pro software currently.

AuI ConverteR 48x44 - HD audio converter/optimizer for DAC of high resolution files

ISO, DSF, DFF (1-bit/D64/128/256/512/1024), wav, flac, aiff, alac,  safe CD ripper to PCM/DSF,

Seamless Album Conversion, AIFF, WAV, FLAC, DSF metadata editor, Mac & Windows
Offline conversion save energy and nature

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