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Understanding Sample Rate

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1 minute ago, marce said:

I believe yes. My youngest are twins born premature, very. I spent 16 years of speech therapy with my son because he is neurologically deaf between about 3 and 8Khz, how they confirmed this was by doing bone conduction tests (I believe it bypasses the ear canal). But like all hearing its just another way the pressure waves are transmitted to the ear, the same rules of hearing still apply, 20-20. It's the same reason your voice sounds alien when played back from a recording and how you can have totally silent headphone (bonephones).


I appreciate your insight.  I was more interested in testimony of audio bone conduction as part of the audiophile experience, not so much for proof that audio bone conduction exists.

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1 hour ago, Brinkman Ship said:

I can tell you that after meeting a few mastering engineers at a few electronics shows, 24 bit, 44.1 kHz is considered the new standard output for most new releases, across all genres, including classical. Anything over is seen as unnecessary.


Btw, I am just passing what I heard, I don't know. But I am slowly coming around to your way of thinking.


In my experience using a DAW, dithering from 32 to 24 bits results in little quantization noise.  32 to 16 results in much more, which is why I assume that 24/44.1 would be a preferred mezzanine format.

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