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Schiit Gungnir MB need some advice

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Hi, dear CA forum members!
This is my first topic here, I would like to ask if Gungnir MB is a good deal for a first DAC. Is it as good as reviews and some people tell? What alternatives do I have with this budget? Before answer, you should know, that I'm 17 years old and this summer I'm going to work, to earn enough money for the dac which will stand in my Dad's (and mine too) audiosystem. He'll buy other stuff. Also I want to build special PC for audio (like C.A.P.S).. maybe it is an overkill for 1350$ dac?
Thank you!

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@Mishka242 -- you're right that a gumby is a significant investment.  now whether that's an appropriate amount to spend is a very personal decision -- it depends on your priorities and needs.


i have a gumby and i think it's a great dac.  don't think there's really a better deal at that price point.  for me, one of the compelling features is that the gumby is a fully balanced dac with balanced outputs.  i had a bifrost uber previously, so needed to go to the gumby.


i think it's also important to put the decision in the context of your whole system.  what are the rest of the components in the system?  are you happy with those or are they going to change anytime soon?

(1) holo audio red (hqp naa) > chord dave > luxman cl-38uc/mq-88uc > kef reference 1
(2) simaudio moon mind 2 > chord qutest > luxman sq-n150 > sennheiser hd600
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7 minutes ago, jcn3 said:

@Mishka242 -- you're right that a gumby is a significant investment.  now whether that's an appropriate amount to spend is a very personal decision -- it depends on your priorities and needs.


i have a gumby and i think it's a great dac.  don't think there's really a better deal at that price point.  for me, one of the compelling features is that the gumby is a fully balanced dac with balanced outputs.  i had a bifrost uber previously, so needed to go to the gumby.


i think it's also important to put the decision in the context of your whole system.  what are the rest of the components in the system?  are you happy with those or are they going to change anytime soon?

Well, I can afford Gumby, and by the way I've already listened to it. It really seems to be a great choice. The thing is that I don't have any system at all, except headphones, which I don't count (hd700,asgard 2, I Dac 2). My dad and I are going to buy everything next spring. And I decided to help him with money for DAC and with organizing system too. He is more into music and good sound, but he has no time to read about audio. The budget for all other stuff (cables, speakers, amp, PC) is ~7000-8000$
Shall I think about dedicated PC, D to D converters and so on at this budget?

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Wow, starting out, lot's of choices.  But these are the considerations for a DAC.

1. Built in Amp/preamp

2. built in headphone amp

3. galvanic isolation for USB (2nd most critical but can be supplemented with an ISO Regen)

4. Power supply, can it be fed an Uptone LPS-1? or other linear power supply with no AC leakage (I think this is the most critical)



My thoughts/choices:

The Gungir MB fails number 4.

DAC's that fulfill number 4.  Chord 2qute (can be had for 1K with careful shopping), Ifi iDSD Nano LE (Only a $129 shipped, fulfills all 4 requirements, but you do need to supplement with number 3, ISO Regen)

I'm sure there are others.


(JRiver) Jetway barebones NUC (mod 3 sCLK-EX, Cybershaft OP 14)  (PH SR7) => mini pcie adapter to PCIe 1X => tXUSBexp PCIe card (mod sCLK-EX) (PH SR7) => (USPCB) Chord DAVE => Omega Super 8XRS/REL t5i  (All powered thru Topaz Isolation Transformer)

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49 minutes ago, ElviaCaprice said:

Wow, starting out, lot's of choices.  But these are the considerations for a DAC.

1. Built in Amp/preamp

2. built in headphone amp

3. galvanic isolation for USB (2nd most critical but can be supplemented with an ISO Regen)

4. Power supply, can it be fed an Uptone LPS-1? or other linear power supply with no AC leakage (I think this is the most critical)



My thoughts/choices:

The Gungir MB fails number 4.

DAC's that fulfill number 4.  Chord 2qute (can be had for 1K with careful shopping), Ifi iDSD Nano LE (Only a $129 shipped, fulfills all 4 requirements, but you do need to supplement with number 3, ISO Regen)

I'm sure there are others.



Perhaps those are your considerations but they certainly aren't universal. For instance, my Gumby drives a Woo Audio WA22 so 1 & 2 don't apply. And I use a microRendu to drive the Gumby so 3 doesn't apply. Not sure about 4 but it wasn't on my list anyway. I've been happy with the Gumby just as it is. 

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8 hours ago, jcn3 said:

i think you need to figure out the other components at the same time and not decide on the dac in a vacuum. all this stuff works together.


for instance:

* what limitations/requirements does your room put on you?

* are you going to use powered or unpowered speakers?

* what sources besides the computer are you going to need?

* does this system need to accommodate headphones?


i think this is important because my needs have changed (or maybe i didn't think things out well enough) and there are elements of my system i wish i could do over.


for instance, if you determine that the kef ls50 wireless speakers are right for you then the whole dac discussion is moot.

I agree that system is like an organism where all parts influence the sound. 

1) Room is 20 m^2, no special requirements.

2) only unpowered 

3) pc and tv (need optical input)

4) when time comes, I'll buy separate amp for headphones.

There are also varient with build in preamp in DAC and a power amp. But I've never listened to this kind of setup. I choose this DAC "in vacuum" because it's practically 1,5 times cheaper from abroad (USA), than in my country and because of good reviews. Do you think Gumby in some systems could degrade performance ? Unfortunately if I decide to buy Gumby I won't have a possibility to listen to it in system before Gumby arrives to me. I've listened to Gumby with headphones only.

Than from what shall I begin? 

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On 5/4/2017 at 9:54 AM, Mishka242 said:

Hi, dear CA forum members!
This is my first topic here, I would like to ask if Gungnir MB is a good deal for a first DAC. Is it as good as reviews and some people tell? What alternatives do I have with this budget? Before answer, you should know, that I'm 17 years old and this summer I'm going to work, to earn enough money for the dac which will stand in my Dad's (and mine too) audiosystem. He'll buy other stuff. Also I want to build special PC for audio (like C.A.P.S).. maybe it is an overkill for 1350$ dac?
Thank you!


The Gungnir Ladder DAC model shares much of the excellent sound quality of the Yggdrasil, but I think you are being very ambitious for your first DAC. I would opt for the Modi-Multibit were I you, It too is a Ladder DAC rather than a Delta-Sigma design, sounds absolutely superb, and costs only $250. It has inputs for USB, Toslink and Coaxial S/PDIF. Mike Moffat, the designer, says that it's "90% of the Yggdrasil at 1/9th the price". Give it a try, save your summer money for dates!


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