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Article: QNAP TS-559 Pro Turbo NAS Review

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Chris,<br />

<br />

I've only been a around here for a very short while but I'm surprised at the amount of comments like pacwin's where folks are just plain ungrateful and borderline rude, expecting you to cater to their every whimsical question in your reviews. This is especially since you provide far more detail and thoroughness than many other reviewers bother themselves with.<br />

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Well, thanks for your review, thanks for your dedication to this corner of the audiophile hobby, and thanks for the gracious way you receive these kinds of comments.<br />

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I have not had a chance to see if this fixes the problems I have had copying files from my Mac to my d-link server but Apple released OS X 10.6.4 today and lists one of the items fixed as "address issues copying, renaming, or deleting files on SMB file servers." I'm pretty ignorant about these things, but is the QNAP an SMB server?

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A first time poster - and thanks for the review.<br />

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After spending some months looking at options for improving my home audio setup, I had nearly decided on using a QNAP NAS as the hub of a digital music collection. But over the last few weeks, I started having reservations, mainly around complexity, and whether a music system really needs to be complicated to be enjoyed.<br />

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My aim was to have a NAS accessible to multiple laptop/desktop clients, as well as for use as a backup. But the more I though about a solution, I realised there wasn't really a problem.<br />

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Most of the time, I listen to music in one room, where the comfy couch is. It's also where I listen to vinyl and compact discs, with various pc's scattered around other parts of the house. Ideas of streaming music from multiple sources sounded ok in theory, but putting it into practice become hellishly complicated, for an IT novice.<br />

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After looking at multiple NAS options, and eveny buying an Apple airport thingy that doesn't like my home network, I threw my hands in the air and gave up.<br />

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As a `temporary' solution, I built an Athlon II home music PC installed Windows 7 and iTunes, ran it through a Cambridge Audio DAC, then straight into a Cambridge Audio amp. Simple, and although hardly an audophile solution, it works for me.<br />

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No doubt I'll tinker with options for years to come, but I doubt QNAP's products will find their way into my house.<br />

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For the sake of additional data-points...<br />

<br />

I have been using my TS-439 PRO for about a year (I think, time flies) and I really like it. Set-up, raid config (RAID5) and firmware update was a breeze. Thanks to Chris I have a script to auto-mount it on my Mac. And it flawlesly supports my iTunes, and streams 20Gb movie files (mkv, ts, whatever) to my HDX1000 in the livingroom and PLEX on the Mac....<br />

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Most important, I had a drive fail on me. The NAS made that very clear (noise!), the web interface pointed out that it was running in 'degraded mode', told me what drive was the cause (same as the one with the flashy light). I returned the drive, inserted a new one (whilst the NAS being on, so 'hot') and it auto-rebuild the RAID. I rather liked that... But then, any RAID5 NAS should do that.. It is nice however, when a contingency measure pays of and a device does what it was procured to do.<br />

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I do support the suggestion it might be a bit over-specified for merely audio use. Perhaps a set of (one prime, one back-up) BIG USB disks on a usb-enabled network router (for the prime) will do the trick for most...You can then use any incremental back-up tool (the likes of 'Yadis! Backup' as a Windows example) to sync the back-up periodically (on any computer)...<br />

<br />

Just my 2 cts.<br />

<br />


Bits to analog: Server [i9-10850k; Win10Pro, Roon Core + HQPlayer4 >all DSD256x] -> mRendu -> Regen -> Lampi GG

Analog to sound: ASR Emitter II Exclusive, Battery -> Gryphon Mojo S + 2 x REL G2

Details: Audio System

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  • 3 weeks later...

The initiative taken for the concern is very serious and need an attention of every one. This is the concern which exists in the society and needs to be eliminated from the society as soon as possible. I like this particular article. It gives me an additional input on the information around the world Thanks a lot and keep going with posting such information.<br />

============================================<br />

<a href="http://servetechnology.com" rel="dofollow">Serve Technology</a>

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  • 2 weeks later...

that Chris had raised in the review. <br />

fixes include:<br />

- [backup] Synchronized backup to external drives if it contains some special symbols<br />

- [NFS] Fixed NFS mount issue when the path exceeds 32 characters<br />

- [iSCSI] Fail to create an iSCSI LUN which is larger than 20TB.<br />

- [iSCSI] There is no log while start/stop the iSCSI service.<br />

- [iSCSI] Wrong IP display in iSCSI online user log when the network portal is IPV6.<br />

- [iSCSI] iSCSI LUN could not be attached successfully sometimes.<br />

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More details are at http://www.qnap.com/download_detail.asp?pl=1&p_mn=154&ct_name=Firmware<br />

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You can now also format the connected backup drive on the USB ports to HFS+, in addition to the regular EXT3/4, NTFS, FAT...

AS Profile Equipment List        Say NO to MQA

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  • 5 weeks later...

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