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Differences in sound: DAC vs. DAC + Pre-amplifier

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2 hours ago, motberg said:


OK!  I am testing this with my NOS DAC, HQPlayer 3, dual PC, just got a Windows NAA working on Server 2019 GUI and it is sounding great so far.. For HQPlayer, how is best to manage the "gain staging" of the digital volume control? I am upsampling to 384, within the rate family, and have Min Vol set at -60 and Max Vol set at -3.. would this be optimal ?





I started using HQP volume control a few weeks ago. Currently, my settings a -25 max and -60 min. When playing music, I am in the -30 to -40 range. The -25 max helps prevent sending a blast to my system if for some reason the volume control accidentally gets turned up all of the way.


At your current -3 and -60 settings, turn the volume down very low. Start playing music and gradually raise the volume to normal level and see where you are. Then adjust the max volume slightly greater, just beyond the max setting in normal listening (for me -30 is max normal listening, so max setting is at -25).


Just be careful when raising volume!!

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