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What nobody is telling Artists about Spotify

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I'm not a fan of Spotify (I use Apple Music and Tidal) but some of his claims are a bit over the top. 


His big spiel about the major label's ownership... Sony, Universal and Warner Music own <6%, <4% and <4% respectively... (last I checked)


Spotify's annual losses are getting smaller and they just reported their first profitable quarter... subscriber numbers are continuing to climb...




And the big spiel about rigged playlists applies to Apple Music, Deezer, Google and others, so it's not unique. 


As much I dislike Spotify, there's too much fake news or blowing some things out of proportion, by this guy..


Hard to take him too seriously... he spent wasted too much time before he finally got to his real agenda, about his podcast and not getting paid. Which is a fair concern. His points about music streaming artists getting paid less due to podcasts, I'm not sure that is accurate... would be nice to see his source (as well as sources for all his other info).

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