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Article: The Next Track: Network Streamers

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I agree that diagrams would go a long way in making Computer Audio understandable. In addition, a glossary of terms with cross links to alternate names for the same component would make it easier to understand.


For example, this podcast used the term streamer for half a dozen different devices, each of which do different things.


I own a Sonore Rendu. Is that considered a streamer? When I bought it, I thought I was buyings a renderer. Is a renderer the same as a streamer? Lumin uses the term network music player. Auralic uses the term wireless streaming node and wireless streaming bridge within their Aries lineup.


In the old days, everyone knew what was a receiver: a tuner, preamp and amplifier. Now anyone trying to decipher and compare  products needs to wade through endless number of names that mean the same thing.


It is no wonder that this podcast ended with "why does it have to be so complicated".


"The function of music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought", Sir Thomas Beecham. 



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