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Amir at ASR claims Uptone won't sell the ISO regen to him...

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2 hours ago, Daudio said:

...Some people can hear differences between two exactly similar items too...


In my opinion, two identical items playing actual music should sound different when switching back and forth since music is dynamic, changing from moment to moment. This is just one of several dozen reasons that AB tests (either sighted or blind) fail time and time again to produce any significant results.


If I think I hear a difference I like, then it is time to try long-term listening using my favorite music to hear if the difference is real and if I actually like the difference.

I have dementia. I save all my posts in a text file I call Forums.  I do a search in that file to find out what I said or did in the past.


I still love music.



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On 6/2/2017 at 5:45 PM, Sal1950 said:

Are you really so scared that some bit of poor engineering will be revealed by Amir's measurements that you have to refuse a sale? ...Amir would never let any personal animosity to bias his results...


On 6/2/2017 at 5:57 PM, firedog said:

I think it is pretty clear that: a) Amir has an agenda which colors his work; b) isn't actually competent to do the measurements properly.

He also did let his biases influence what he wrote in his original evaluation of the Regen.

As Alex has said he would be fine giving one to other reviewers who do measurements, your post seems to have no basis.


Firedog is correct, Alex does have the right to refuse to sell his product to anyone, especially someone apparently with an agenda to do Alex's firm harm. Apparently your blind faith in Amir is incorrect.


This tread makes me glad I was never an audio designer or owner of an audio manufacturing firm, I don't have tough enough skin. In the USA a business has the right to refuse service to anyone as long as it doesn’t violate any anti-discrimination laws.



23 hours ago, Sal1950 said:

I've heard you refer to various successful blind tests involving the Reg but never found any actual details, sorry if I missed them...


23 hours ago, Jud said:

Alex sent me and @lmitche each two identical looking ISO Regens, asking us simply to listen and separately let him know what we thought.  The only difference between the two was a strip of blue painter's tape on the top of each, where in black magic marker the letter "G" was written on top of one, and the letter "M" was written on top of the other.


I plugged each ISO Regen into my system in place of the original Regen.  I only had to listen to each once to know that I very much preferred "G."  The whole thing took maybe five minutes because the difference was so apparent.  (I liked both G and M better than the original, but of course that comparison was non-blinded.)


Afterward I learned @lmitche's experience was pretty much a carbon copy of mine.


22 hours ago, Sal1950 said:

Well there ya go.  You should present that as a paper to the AES.  LOL


10 hours ago, firedog said:

Jud did exactly the reasonable thing an audiophile should do at home. Blind test comparison to see what sounds better. He had no financial or other incentive at the time to prejudice his results. For someone who constantly flogs here about ofjectivism, your reaction is uncalled for wise-assness.


Doubtful anyone, including you, has the ability to do scientifically correct double blind testing at home. Even a perfectly done test just on yourself or a few individuals wouldn't count as scientifically valid, as the test group would be small. 


So Sal do you understand now? Also, have you ever presented a paper to the AES on a how you evaluated the audio equipment you own? 

I have dementia. I save all my posts in a text file I call Forums.  I do a search in that file to find out what I said or did in the past.


I still love music.



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16 minutes ago, Fitzcaraldo215 said:

Teresa - true, Alex has the right to refuse the sale.  But, while Alex is entitled to his opinion justifying his action, there is no evidence anywhere that Amir has "an agenda to do Alex's firm harm." None.  Zero. Alex insists and states a lot of things about Amir, but none are independently proven anywhere.  None.  Zero.


 But, I can see where the stampede of opinions here and deep sympathies for Alex at CA might lead you and others to assume something negative about Amir, who is not known here, based purely on Alex' say so, which may or may not be truthful.


Actually, it is not important what you or I believe, it's what Alex believes that is important as it is his product and his company. If he doesn't trust Amir to accurately test his product, he doesn't.

I have dementia. I save all my posts in a text file I call Forums.  I do a search in that file to find out what I said or did in the past.


I still love music.



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