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Just got a Yggdrasil!

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An extremely devoted follower of a particular media (i.e. audio gear)  who takes their love a step further by deriding those who have an opposing opinion. Early use of the term had been directed to anime and Stars Wars "geeks". However, growing popularity of both has limited this stereotype and "newer" fanboy subjects tend to be more polarizing in popularity. Typically, fanboys spend their time lurking around internet messageboards, calling any detractor of their media a "troll", "idiot" or just allege detractor(s) don't "understand" particular subject. Knee-jerk responses like this (over rational, intelligent discussion) makes for quick and easy attribution. Fanboys are also known for creating their own realities and interpretations of their beloved subjects. 
The sad thing is, fanboys don't realize, that these companies that fuel their passion, don't really give a damn about them. Defending a multi-national corporation like their your own family, is ridiculous. These organizations don't come to your house and help you when you're sick, they don't help you move, or drive you to the airport. They don't support you in any way. It's a business, not a friendship. As soon as you can no longer buy their product, you disappear to them.
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12 minutes ago, esldude said:

Leaves out alot, but I believe I understand your point.


I once had a relative who was a huge historical train buff.  He made a living as historian.  I live near the place where all old vintage locomotives get restored and worked upon.  Through him I actually got to ride those old steam locomotives.  They gave him permission to take them out a few times.  An old steam locomotive of the last couple generations of such would pull no less than the same load as 8 modern diesel electrics would pull.  Yet for efficiency, cost and sizing to the load, the consistency of the diesel electrics, the fact you could link them together and have them work as one more than made up for the other factors. 


Not a bad comparison at all with sigma-delta DACs and the old multi-bits.  All things considered the non-oversampling multi-bits simply cannot compete.  When they can have a few advantages it comes at very high cost and having to be individually tuned. For peanuts any sigma delta of good design can match and usually exceed that performance. I don't know why the nostalgia for those NOS multi-bits. 


I can both admire the design acumen of the guys at Schiit, and feel quite comfortable they don't make the best DACs.  Glitches, no glitches, glitches that are inaudible, makes no difference.  When the competition has no glitches, and offers clearly measurably better performance your product doesn't cut the mustard. Anything else is nostalgia and hyperbole marketing to a niche that values faith over results. :P

Yes nostalgia vs innovation can be a deadly internal battle. 

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7 minutes ago, Speed Racer said:


Yes, to a point. My helmet has ear muffs with speakers for my pit-to-car communication system. It lowers the ambient sound down from ~103 dba to ~80 dba. I m also a Skeet shooter. There I wear ear plugs that provide 33 dba of attenuation.

Do you notice any differences in the sound of your Yagi fresh after a race or skeet shooting session? 

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On 2017-04-11 at 11:53 AM, LarryMagoo said:

Here is all you need to know about the Yggy reviewed Robert Hartley from The Absolute Sound...



I don’t know how Schiit Audio has done it, but the $2300 Yggy

is in many ways competitive with any DAC I’ve heard regardless

of price. In some criteria—transient speed without etch, clarity

of musical line, whole-body involvement—the Yggy is as good

as digital gets. Yet the Yggy’s bold incisiveness may not resonate

with listeners who prefer a more relaxed and easygoing sound.

I, however, have no such reservation; this is a DAC I could

listen to and enjoy for a long time. In fact, there was something

different about the Yggy that pushed my buttons—I felt a musical

exhilaration that was experienced not as some intellectual

abstraction, but at a more fundamentally visceral level.

If you’re looking for a DAC that does quad-rate DSD, decodes

MQA, offers a volume control, and includes a headphone

amp, look elsewhere. But if the very best reproduction of PCM

sources is your goal, the Yggdrasil is the ticket. It’s a spectacular

performer on an absolute level, and an out-of-this world bargain.

The Yggy is not just a tremendous value in today’s DACs,

it’s one of the greatest bargains in the history of high-end audio

Has he compared to this I wonder?



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2 minutes ago, Speed Racer said:

I don't care if it audio or brain surgery...a jerk is a jerk and it is bothersome to have that crap posted. Again, that is why I have blocked him. Yet his crap still contaminates the thread. I am sure I will get to see the results of his crap posts in any other Yggy thread I get to read. I won't be the only one bothered. Which is why you should care enough to tell him that once post about his disdain for Yggy in each thread is more than enough.


Again, I had this opinion of his posts well before I EVER though I would spend more than $300 on a DAC. So you can't say I feel this way because he does not like the DAC I bought.

Do you cry this much when you lose a race as well?

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2 hours ago, The Computer Audiophile said:

@Speed Racer What do you fear will happen if @manisandher posts, but you do not read it because you ignore him? You are letting fear control your posts. You are scared of something, but I don't know what that is. If you weren't, you'd just ignore him. 

He probably has his Yagi up for sale somewhere and is worried the resale value is going to take a hit. 

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1 hour ago, manisandher said:


Here's a comparison of the Stereophile 1kHz @ -90dBFS measurement vs. that performed by an Yggy owner and fan, Atomicbob:




A bit messy due to the different formats requiring alignment, but with a bit of focus it's clear that these measurements are identical. I.e. glitching energy around 45µV p-p, and 24 bit truncation/rounding peaks just below 120dB. Seeing as these are identical, I think it's safe to assume JA's other measurements are good too. He certainly seems to have had no problem in measuring countless other DACs. And I strongly suspect Schiit would have been all over him had they disagreed with any of the measurements he published.



The Iphone lightning DAC doesn't have any of those flaws. Why do audiophiles pay so much more for flaws in such a bulky package?




My money's on the Apple engineers. 

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Just now, The Computer Audiophile said:


My money isn't on the Apple engineers. What you're saying is that your money is on the General Motors engineers rather than Ferrari. Sure the Ferrari may not ride like the GM cars, but I'd take it over any of the GM cars any day.

What about price/performance wise? Have you ever compared the 2 DAC's? I haven't heard the new unit, but my Iphone 6 plus sounds pretty good. 

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Well you guys have me convinced. I'm ordering one!! I wonder if there's a way to duplicate that glitch in DSP on an Iphone app? Audiophiles attracted to euphoric glitches rather than high fidelity should be very easy to please with basic DSP emulation algorithms. Surely the Iphone DAC has enough fidelity to transparently playback these glitches faithfully. 

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