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MQA is Vaporware

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  • 5 months later...
9 hours ago, Shadders said:

Hi mansr,

Yes - a cake is of soft composition, large diameter, with multiple flavours, usually eaten with a cup of tea. Generally in the afternoon.

A biscuit is hard composition, small diameter, usually eaten at any time of the day.

This site seems to be frequented by savages.



Ah, but Jaffa Cakes....



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  • 3 weeks later...
58 minutes ago, esldude said:

No, I don't agree.  You are leaving out his saying those who disagreed with his mastering were old. 


To be fair, given that the main examples people were giving of good mastering were Nightfly (released 35 years ago) and Crime of the Century (released 43 years ago) he may have had a point.

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  • 3 years later...

This may have been covered before, but the current statement on approval on a number of MQA enabled products says


" This indicates you are playing an MQA Studio file, which has either been approved in the studio by the artist or producer, or has been verified by the copyright owner"


In many cases now (e.g. Bob Dylan, Paul Simon) Sony, Warners or Universal Music are the copyright owners. I wonder who in that company is responsible for the verification and what rigorous verification processes they implement. 

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Thanks for the clarification.


According to copyright..org


"The ownership of the sound recording copyright rests with the ‘author’ of the recording. But this is not necessarily a human author in the usual sense of the word. In UK law the author of a sound recording is the ‘producer’, a legal term usually taken to be the record company that paid for the recording to be made".


US law may be different.

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  • 8 months later...
2 hours ago, The Computer Audiophile said:

2+2=4 whether it’s written by anonymous or it’s unattributed. Objectivity is the basis for @Archimago’s work and anyone with the requisite skills can check it. 

This is very different from the advertorials he mentioned. 


I thought that the comment about anonymous What HiFi articles was a gentle dig at the MQA supporters who trashed Archimago's work on the grounds that he (or she) was anonymous.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 7 months later...

This article seems to give a very good balanced view.


This part may help explain what has triggered the resignations and search for an exit.

MQA’s attempt to get the MQAir codec into the Bluetooth standard failed when the Bluetooth SIG did not add it to the latest release. MQA had certainly been hoping for that as it would have given them a leg up on other competing codecs as being in the standard would ensure broader compatibility than any of the current proprietary offerings (aptX, LDAC, LHDC, etc.). 


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