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I have a tone of WAV files which are all in a mess in one big folder.


I want to convert these to AIFF files the same as my other music so its all the same (maybe the OCD inside me) but I use iTunes so I want something i can put them through first to add meta tags and album art work if possible?




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If you take the time to pick out and import them album by album, doing the metadata is very easy to. ;)


If you have to do it file by file, that's going to take some time and effort.

Do you have an option to re-RIP them perhaps? XLD will do that too, and give you the opportunity to edit the Metadata before it RIPS as well.





Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat DAC.

Robert A. Heinlein

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Because as normal with people on forums when you're asking several different questions you get confusing and contradictory advice (probably because no one is actually a proper expert). So once I had muddled through my first issues I wanted to post another question - thats what forums are for my friend


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I'm not claiming to be an expert, but, in my experience, if someone doesn't respond to requests for clarification of their problem situation and requirements then they reduce the probability of obtaining advice which minimises or eliminates their "muddling".



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