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Article: The Value Proposition In Audio: Voice Control For Audiophiles (You Can't Buy Too Soon - You Can Only Sell Too Late)

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5 hours ago, NOMBEDES said:

A great article.  


I have voice control in my car and on my  Xfinity remote control.  Seldom use the features.  I was going to buy a faraday (sp?) envelope for the remote control.  But since the TV knows more about you than the IRS, I decided it was not worth the expense. 


I never have understood why people would put active espionage equipment in their home.  Alexa, I am looking at you!


I have tape over my computer camera.  I never use location services unless I am lost.  I have every possible option turned off on both phone and camera.  No Facebook (pure evil), no Twitter, no social media at all.  BTW, I do not consider Audiophile Style to be social media.  Audiophile Style in an information source and you are all my friends, right?


I know all of the above is worthless, but if I can irritate some random data collection AI somewhere for at least 3 nano seconds it is worth it.  Oh, and I log into Rolls Royce.com at least 3 times a day just to screw up the ad tracker on my browser......


Regards.  George Orwell


Great post. 🙂


I'm also not interested in voice control. My Mac Mini doesn't have a microphone and that is the only thing I have connected to the internet.


I also don't use any social media, no facebook and no twitter, etc.


My HDTV is not connected to the internet, I use an indoor antenna which picks up 33 stations in my city.


My only phone is a corded landline.


I only use prepaid non-reloadable debit cards to purchase stuff on the internet.


When my 8-year old computer dies, I'm not replacing it and I will go back to checking emails and Audiophile Style from the library once a week. The library offers free use for 30 minutes. At that point I will have to go back purchasing everything in person or old fashion mail order. At that point my apartment will not be connected to anything on-line or in the cloud.

I have dementia. I save all my posts in a text file I call Forums.  I do a search in that file to find out what I said or did in the past.


I still love music.



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