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UpTone Audio EtherREGEN Listening Impressions

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Makes a lot of sense. If it would be easy it would have been done already. ;-)


I am serious.... so much noise out there (pun intended) and its hard to distinguish for "normal" people. I guess why I like uptone is, that they dont charge 50k for their switch ;-) makes these guys real!! Just my 2 cents ;-) 

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I translate all this in my "brain" so I can make sense... ;-) 


we transmit digital data using analog signals and transfer the digital data back to analog signal ONLY. Mixing these two domains (analog and digital) and translating from digital to analog, seem to render complex (not mere complicated) but actual complex (unpredictable? non-linear? hard to predict?) results and changes the output of the DAC itself. Its not the data which changes (otherwise, obviously a word document would alter as well), but something else (ground plane?) Our ears hear it, theories exist,  hypothesis seem to be confirmed, but we lack proof and can't measure ... 

Our digital world does NOT rely on an accurate D-to-A process. Its all in the digital domain. Audio is one of the few areas were the translation back to analog REALLY matters...ok, a printed picture is a translation back to analog, but as I use to say, our ears are much better than our eyes ;-) it sounds facetious, but I do think that our ears have a better resolution from 50-15000 Hz than our eyes in the visible spectrum...

We forget, how we actually dont know anything. I was the other day in a IBM Innovation studio and saw the presentation of a robot dog. People were stunned and applauded...and made pictures...As stunning as it is as an engineering feat, I would submit that a 2 year old baby has much great skills and pattern recognition....


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