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5 minutes ago, antonellocaroli said:

which ones? specifically? 

bcachefs file system

usec resolution of TCP timestamps that are enabled selectively by a route attribute (would like this as an option to enable, this helps with NTP sync and diretta)

increased single TCP flow performance

Fair Queuing (FQ) packet scheduler received built-in 3-band priority and WRR scheduling, bypass support, and better inactive flow reporting

BPF v4 CPU instruction support

Btrfs file system updates

ARM64 support has been expanded with new HWCAP definitions

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Qobuz Studio -> Audirvana Studio Linux on RPI5 Gentoo Player v8.60 (kernel 6.8.1-GentooPlayer-ULTRA-CLTO-TEST+ , Shanti Alim, tweak kernel) -> Holo Red GP Mpd/Upmpdcli (same kernel) -Silver I2S> Holo Spring 2 kte -Silver XLR> BC Accoustique 362 D -> Quellis 1 Optima.

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4 hours ago, antonellocaroli said:

gp-update and try now

PF and XANMOD are ok, CACHYOS KERNEL are ko.


This script will install the nvidia drivers, the necessary software and a kernel for the nvidia drivers.
Some software takes a long time to compile, it is assumed that your cpu is well cooled
and has a cooling system.
Use this script at your own risk.


1) yes
2) no

check RamSystem...wait
check Profile...wait

indicates the number of cpu's to be used during compilation,
more cpu shorter compilation time higher temperature increase
less cpu longer compilation time lower temperatures
min cpu: 2 max cpu: 8
num cpu: 8

you accept the nvidia user licence?

1) yes
2) no


selects the kernel to compile?

1) kernel a bassa latenza PF-Kernel
2) kernel a bassa latenza xanmod-Kernel
3) kernel a bassa latenza cachyos-Kernel
4) kernel a bassa latenza PF-Kernel-MIN
5) kernel a bassa latenza xanmod-Kernel-MIN
6) kernel a bassa latenza cachyos-Kernel-MIN


 * IMPORTANT: 4 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
 * Use eselect news read to view new items.

>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Emerging (1 of 1) sys-kernel/genkernel-4.3.8::gentoo
>>> Installing (1 of 1) sys-kernel/genkernel-4.3.8::gentoo
>>> Completed (1 of 1) sys-kernel/genkernel-4.3.8::gentoo

 * IMPORTANT: 4 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
 * Use eselect news read to view new items.

 * IMPORTANT: 4 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
 * Use eselect news read to view new items.

/var/db/repos/antonellocaroli/sys-kernel/cachyos-sources/cachyos-sources-6.6.1.ebuild: line 39: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'
/var/db/repos/antonellocaroli/sys-kernel/cachyos-sources/cachyos-sources-6.6.1.ebuild: line 39: `	fi'
 * ERROR: sys-kernel/cachyos-sources-6.6.1::antonellocaroli failed (depend phase):
 *   error sourcing ebuild
 * Call stack:
 *   ebuild.sh, line 628:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *   			source "${EBUILD}" || die "error sourcing ebuild"
 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=sys-kernel/cachyos-sources-6.6.1::antonellocaroli'`,
 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=sys-kernel/cachyos-sources-6.6.1::antonellocaroli'`.
 * Working directory: '/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages'
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/sys-kernel/cachyos-sources-6.6.1/work/linux-6.6.1-cachyos'

!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "cachyos-sources" have been masked.
!!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:
- sys-kernel/cachyos-sources-6.6.1::antonellocaroli (masked by: corruption)

For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.

!!! Error: Number out of range: 1
cp: cannot create directory '/usr/src/linux/drivers/': No such file or directory


Link to comment
4 hours ago, antonellocaroli said:

should go now

not yet

This script will install the nvidia drivers, the necessary software and a kernel for the nvidia drivers.
Some software takes a long time to compile, it is assumed that your cpu is well cooled
and has a cooling system.
Use this script at your own risk.


1) yes
2) no

check RamSystem...wait
check Profile...wait

indicates the number of cpu's to be used during compilation,
more cpu shorter compilation time higher temperature increase
less cpu longer compilation time lower temperatures
min cpu: 2 max cpu: 8
num cpu: 8

you accept the nvidia user licence?

1) yes
2) no


selects the kernel to compile?

1) kernel a bassa latenza PF-Kernel
2) kernel a bassa latenza xanmod-Kernel
3) kernel a bassa latenza cachyos-Kernel
4) kernel a bassa latenza PF-Kernel-MIN
5) kernel a bassa latenza xanmod-Kernel-MIN
6) kernel a bassa latenza cachyos-Kernel-MIN


 * IMPORTANT: 4 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
 * Use eselect news read to view new items.

>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Emerging (1 of 1) sys-kernel/genkernel-4.3.8::gentoo
>>> Installing (1 of 1) sys-kernel/genkernel-4.3.8::gentoo
>>> Completed (1 of 1) sys-kernel/genkernel-4.3.8::gentoo

 * IMPORTANT: 4 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
 * Use eselect news read to view new items.

 * IMPORTANT: 4 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
 * Use eselect news read to view new items.

/var/db/repos/antonellocaroli/sys-kernel/cachyos-sources/cachyos-sources-6.6.1.ebuild: line 39: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'
/var/db/repos/antonellocaroli/sys-kernel/cachyos-sources/cachyos-sources-6.6.1.ebuild: line 39: `	fi'
 * ERROR: sys-kernel/cachyos-sources-6.6.1::antonellocaroli failed (depend phase):
 *   error sourcing ebuild
 * Call stack:
 *   ebuild.sh, line 628:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *   			source "${EBUILD}" || die "error sourcing ebuild"
 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=sys-kernel/cachyos-sources-6.6.1::antonellocaroli'`,
 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=sys-kernel/cachyos-sources-6.6.1::antonellocaroli'`.
 * Working directory: '/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages'
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/sys-kernel/cachyos-sources-6.6.1/work/linux-6.6.1-cachyos'

!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "cachyos-sources" have been masked.
!!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:
- sys-kernel/cachyos-sources-6.6.1::antonellocaroli (masked by: corruption)

For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.

!!! Error: Number out of range: 1
cp: cannot create directory '/usr/src/linux/drivers/': No such file or directory


Link to comment
On 12/5/2023 at 4:04 PM, antonellocaroli said:

From what I have seen, it is not a problem with the kernel, but with the configuration xml file.

Do these operations from the shell:


echo "" > /etc/hqplayer/hqplayerd.xml




nano /etc/hqplayer/hqplayerd.xml 


and copy this in, save and close, it should work


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<output type="alsa"/>
	<pcm dither="5" filter="40" filter1x="37" samplerate="0"/>
	<sdm modulator="17" oversampling="43" oversampling1x="40" bitrate="0"/>
	<mode value="sdm"/>
	<!--<fixed volume="-3"/>-->
	<title value="HQPlayerEmbedded"/>
	<web port="8088" css="default.css"/>
	<log enabled="1" file="/tmp/hqplayerd.log"/>
	<engine auto_family="0" cd_drive="/dev/cdrom" channels="2" cuda="1" direct_sdm="0" dsd_6db="1" fft_size="512" multicore="auto" pdm_conv="8" pdm_filt="12" removable="/media" rocm="1" sdm_conversion="2" sdm_integrator="5" volume_hw="0" volume_max="0" volume_min="-60" volume_scaler="0.75">
		<defaults bitrate="11289600" samplerate="384000" volume="-3"/>
		<alsa channel_offset="0" dac_bits="24" device="hw:0,0" dualwire="0" pack_sdm="0" period_time="100" volume_element="Master"/>
		<network address="default" dac_bits="0" device="hw:0,0" dualwire="0" ipv6="0" pack_sdm="0" period_time="0"/>
		<input channels="2" device="uac2" format="auto" name="USB Audio Class 2" pack_sdm="1" period_time="100" type="uac2"/>
		<input channels="2" device="hw:CARD=USBStreamer,DEV=0" name="USBStreamer @44.1k" nperiods="4" period_time="100" samplerate="44100" pre_script="amixer -D hw:CARD=USBStreamer sset 'miniDSP Clock Selector Clock Source' 'miniDSP Internal Clock'" post_script="amixer -D hw:CARD=USBStreamer sset 'miniDSP Clock Selector Clock Source' 'miniDSP TOSLINK Clock'"/>
		<input channels="2" device="hw:CARD=USBStreamer,DEV=0" name="USBStreamer @48k" nperiods="4" period_time="100" samplerate="48000" pre_script="amixer -D hw:CARD=USBStreamer sset 'miniDSP Clock Selector Clock Source' 'miniDSP Internal Clock'" post_script="amixer -D hw:CARD=USBStreamer sset 'miniDSP Clock Selector Clock Source' 'miniDSP TOSLINK Clock'"/>
		<input channels="2" device="hw:CARD=USBStreamer,DEV=0" name="USBStreamer @88.2k" nperiods="4" period_time="100" samplerate="88200" pre_script="amixer -D hw:CARD=USBStreamer sset 'miniDSP Clock Selector Clock Source' 'miniDSP Internal Clock'" post_script="amixer -D hw:CARD=USBStreamer sset 'miniDSP Clock Selector Clock Source' 'miniDSP TOSLINK Clock'"/>
		<input channels="2" device="hw:CARD=USBStreamer,DEV=0" name="USBStreamer @96k" nperiods="4" period_time="100" samplerate="96000" pre_script="amixer -D hw:CARD=USBStreamer sset 'miniDSP Clock Selector Clock Source' 'miniDSP Internal Clock'" post_script="amixer -D hw:CARD=USBStreamer sset 'miniDSP Clock Selector Clock Source' 'miniDSP TOSLINK Clock'"/>
		<input channels="2" device="hw:CARD=USBStreamer,DEV=0" name="USBStreamer @176.4k" nperiods="4" period_time="100" samplerate="176400" format="auto" pack_sdm="1" pre_script="amixer -D hw:CARD=USBStreamer sset 'miniDSP Clock Selector Clock Source' 'miniDSP Internal Clock'" post_script="amixer -D hw:CARD=USBStreamer sset 'miniDSP Clock Selector Clock Source' 'miniDSP TOSLINK Clock'"/>
		<input channels="2" device="hw:CARD=USBStreamer,DEV=0" name="USBStreamer @192k" nperiods="4" period_time="100" samplerate="192000" format="auto" pack_sdm="1" pre_script="amixer -D hw:CARD=USBStreamer sset 'miniDSP Clock Selector Clock Source' 'miniDSP Internal Clock'" post_script="amixer -D hw:CARD=USBStreamer sset 'miniDSP Clock Selector Clock Source' 'miniDSP TOSLINK Clock'"/>
		<input channels="2" device="hw:CARD=M20,DEV=0" name="Mutec MC-1.2 @44.1k" nperiods="4" period_time="100" samplerate="44100"/>
		<input channels="2" device="hw:CARD=M20,DEV=0" name="Mutec MC-1.2 @48k" nperiods="4" period_time="100" samplerate="48000"/>
		<input channels="2" device="hw:CARD=M20,DEV=0" name="Mutec MC-1.2 @88.2k" nperiods="4" period_time="100" samplerate="88200"/>
		<input channels="2" device="hw:CARD=M20,DEV=0" name="Mutec MC-1.2 @96k" nperiods="4" period_time="100" samplerate="96000"/>
		<input channels="2" device="hw:CARD=M20,DEV=0" name="Mutec MC-1.2 @176.4k" nperiods="4" period_time="100" samplerate="176400" format="auto" pack_sdm="1"/>
		<input channels="2" device="hw:CARD=M20,DEV=0" name="Mutec MC-1.2 @192k" nperiods="4" period_time="100" samplerate="192000" format="auto" pack_sdm="1"/>
		<!-- RME devices -->
		<!--<input name="RME HDSPe AIO (Analog)" device="hw:CARD=HDSPMx,DEV=0" samplerate="192000" channels="2" format="pcm" period_time="0" channel_offset="0" rate_element="Internal Clock" script="amixer -D hw:HDSPMx sset 'System Clock Mode' 'Master'"/>
		<input name="RME HDSPe AIO (Toslink)" device="hw:CARD=HDSPMx,DEV=0" samplerate="0" channels="2" format="pcm" period_time="0" channel_offset="4" sync_element="SPDIF Frequency" rate_element="Internal Clock" script="amixer -D hw:HDSPMx sset 'System Clock Mode' 'AutoSync' ; amixer -D hw:HDSPMx sset 'Preferred Sync Reference' 'SPDIF' ; amixer -D hw:HDSPMx sset 'S/PDIF Input' 'Optical'"/>
		<input name="RME HDSPe AIO (Coaxial)" device="hw:CARD=HDSPMx,DEV=0" samplerate="0" channels="2" format="pcm" period_time="0" channel_offset="4" sync_element="SPDIF Frequency" rate_element="Internal Clock" script="amixer -D hw:HDSPMx sset 'System Clock Mode' 'AutoSync' ; amixer -D hw:HDSPMx sset 'Preferred Sync Reference' 'SPDIF' ; amixer -D hw:HDSPMx sset 'S/PDIF Input' 'Coaxial'"/>
		<input name="RME HDSPe AIO (AES)" device="hw:CARD=HDSPMx,DEV=0" samplerate="0" channels="2" format="pcm" period_time="0" channel_offset="2" sync_element="AES Frequency" rate_element="Internal Clock" script="amixer -D hw:HDSPMx sset 'System Clock Mode' 'AutoSync' ; amixer -D hw:HDSPMx sset 'Preferred Sync Reference' 'AES'"/>-->
		<!--<input channel_offset="0" channels="2" device="hw:CARD=Pro,DEV=0" format="auto" name="ADI-2 Pro (Analog)" pack_sdm="1" period_time="100" samplerate="0" sync_element="System Rate" sync_hctl="1"/>
		<input channel_offset="2" channels="2" device="hw:CARD=Pro,DEV=0" format="auto" name="ADI-2 Pro (AES)" pack_sdm="1" period_time="100" samplerate="0" sync_element="AES Rate" sync_hctl="1"/>
		<input channel_offset="4" channels="2" device="hw:CARD=Pro,DEV=0" format="auto" name="ADI-2 Pro (S/PDIF)" pack_sdm="1" period_time="100" samplerate="0" sync_element="SPDIF Rate" sync_hctl="1"/>
		<alsa channel_offset="0" dac_bits="0" device="hw:Pro,DEV=0" deualwire="0" pack_sdm="1" period_time="100"/>-->
		<matrix_profile name="Default">
			<pipeline channel="0" gain="0.00" mixdown="0" process="" source="0"/>
			<pipeline channel="1" gain="0.00" mixdown="1" process="" source="1"/>
			<pipeline channel="2" gain="0.00" mixdown="2" process="" source="2"/>
			<pipeline channel="3" gain="0.00" mixdown="3" process="" source="4"/>
			<pipeline channel="4" gain="0.00" mixdown="4" process="" source="5"/>
			<pipeline channel="5" gain="0.00" mixdown="5" process="" source="6"/>
			<pipeline channel="6" gain="0.00" mixdown="6" process="" source="7"/>
			<pipeline channel="7" gain="0.00" mixdown="7" process="" source="8"/>
			<pipeline channel="8" gain="0.00" mixdown="8" process="" source="8"/>
			<pipeline channel="9" gain="0.00" mixdown="9" process="" source="9"/>
			<pipeline channel="10" gain="0.00" mixdown="10" process="" source="10"/>
			<pipeline channel="11" gain="0.00" mixdown="11" process="" source="11"/>
			<pipeline channel="12" gain="0.00" mixdown="12" process="" source="12"/>
			<pipeline channel="13" gain="0.00" mixdown="13" process="" source="13"/>
			<pipeline channel="14" gain="0.00" mixdown="14" process="" source="14"/>
			<pipeline channel="15" gain="0.00" mixdown="15" process="" source="15"/>
			<pipeline channel="16" gain="0.00" mixdown="16" process="" source="16"/>
			<pipeline channel="17" gain="0.00" mixdown="17" process="" source="17"/>
			<pipeline channel="18" gain="0.00" mixdown="18" process="" source="18"/>
			<pipeline channel="19" gain="0.00" mixdown="19" process="" source="19"/>
			<pipeline channel="20" gain="0.00" mixdown="20" process="" source="20"/>
			<pipeline channel="21" gain="0.00" mixdown="21" process="" source="21"/>
			<pipeline channel="22" gain="0.00" mixdown="22" process="" source="22"/>
			<pipeline channel="23" gain="0.00" mixdown="23" process="" source="23"/>
			<pipeline channel="24" gain="0.00" mixdown="24" process="" source="24"/>
			<pipeline channel="25" gain="0.00" mixdown="25" process="" source="25"/>
			<pipeline channel="26" gain="0.00" mixdown="26" process="" source="26"/>
			<pipeline channel="27" gain="0.00" mixdown="27" process="" source="27"/>
			<pipeline channel="28" gain="0.00" mixdown="28" process="" source="28"/>
			<pipeline channel="29" gain="0.00" mixdown="29" process="" source="29"/>
			<pipeline channel="30" gain="0.00" mixdown="30" process="" source="30"/>
			<pipeline channel="31" gain="0.00" mixdown="31" process="" source="31"/>
		<matrix_profile name="Mch-to-Stereo mixdown">
			<pipeline channel="0" gain="-7.8" mixdown="0" process="" source="0"/>
			<pipeline channel="1" gain="-7.8" mixdown="1" process="" source="1"/>
			<pipeline channel="2" gain="-12.6" mixdown="0" process="" source="2"/>
			<pipeline channel="3" gain="-12.6" mixdown="1" process="" source="2"/>
			<pipeline channel="4" gain="-13.8" mixdown="0" process="" source="4"/>
			<pipeline channel="5" gain="-13.8" mixdown="1" process="" source="5"/>
			<pipeline channel="6" gain="-2.6" mixdown="0" process="" source="3"/>
			<pipeline channel="7" gain="-2.6" mixdown="1" process="" source="3"/>
			<pipeline channel="8" gain="0" mixdown="8" process="" source="8"/>
			<pipeline channel="9" gain="0" mixdown="9" process="" source="9"/>
			<pipeline channel="10" gain="0" mixdown="10" process="" source="10"/>
			<pipeline channel="11" gain="0" mixdown="11" process="" source="11"/>
			<pipeline channel="12" gain="0" mixdown="12" process="" source="12"/>
			<pipeline channel="13" gain="0" mixdown="13" process="" source="13"/>
			<pipeline channel="14" gain="0" mixdown="14" process="" source="14"/>
			<pipeline channel="15" gain="0" mixdown="15" process="" source="15"/>
			<pipeline channel="16" gain="0" mixdown="16" process="" source="16"/>
			<pipeline channel="17" gain="0" mixdown="17" process="" source="17"/>
			<pipeline channel="18" gain="0" mixdown="18" process="" source="18"/>
			<pipeline channel="19" gain="0" mixdown="19" process="" source="19"/>
			<pipeline channel="20" gain="0" mixdown="20" process="" source="20"/>
			<pipeline channel="21" gain="0" mixdown="21" process="" source="21"/>
			<pipeline channel="22" gain="0" mixdown="22" process="" source="22"/>
			<pipeline channel="23" gain="0" mixdown="23" process="" source="23"/>
			<pipeline channel="24" gain="0" mixdown="24" process="" source="24"/>
			<pipeline channel="25" gain="0" mixdown="25" process="" source="25"/>
			<pipeline channel="26" gain="0" mixdown="26" process="" source="26"/>
			<pipeline channel="27" gain="0" mixdown="27" process="" source="27"/>
			<pipeline channel="28" gain="0" mixdown="28" process="" source="28"/>
			<pipeline channel="29" gain="0" mixdown="29" process="" source="29"/>
			<pipeline channel="30" gain="0" mixdown="30" process="" source="30"/>
			<pipeline channel="31" gain="0" mixdown="31" process="" source="31"/>
	<upnp interface="auto">
			<type value="audio/ogg"/>
			<type value="audio/vnd.wave"/>
			<type value="audio/L32;rate=44100"/>
			<type value="audio/L32;rate=48000"/>
			<type value="audio/L32;rate=88200"/>
			<type value="audio/L32;rate=96000"/>
			<type value="audio/L32;rate=176400"/>
			<type value="audio/L32;rate=192000"/>
			<type value="audio/L32;rate=352800"/>
			<type value="audio/L32;rate=384000"/>
			<type value="audio/L32;rate=705600"/>
			<type value="audio/L32;rate=768000"/>
			<type value="audio/L24;rate=44100"/>
			<type value="audio/L24;rate=48000"/>
			<type value="audio/L24;rate=88200"/>
			<type value="audio/L24;rate=96000"/>
			<type value="audio/L24;rate=176400"/>
			<type value="audio/L24;rate=192000"/>
			<type value="audio/L24;rate=352800"/>
			<type value="audio/L24;rate=384000"/>
			<type value="audio/L24;rate=705600"/>
			<type value="audio/L24;rate=768000"/>
			<type value="audio/L16;rate=44100"/>
			<type value="audio/L16;rate=48000"/>
			<type value="audio/L16;rate=88200"/>
			<type value="audio/L16;rate=96000"/>
			<type value="audio/L16;rate=176400"/>
			<type value="audio/L16;rate=192000"/>
			<type value="audio/L16;rate=352800"/>
			<type value="audio/L16;rate=384000"/>
			<type value="audio/L16;rate=705600"/>
			<type value="audio/L16;rate=768000"/>


I copied the script you suggested. It still crashes during the select kernel process.The network bridge or endpoint is a Magna Mano, it has a Rpi 3b+ with hat (Digi + pro overlay) and outputs over I2S to my Pontus Dac. It runs perfectly on 6.1.54 but with all the love that's going round regarding the 6.6 kernel and new tweaks, I really feel like I could be missing out on a potential upgrade in sound quality. It's not recoverable after it crashes, I have to reflash the SD card so I have no logs to send.

Link to comment
1 hour ago, Barnabas said:

I copied the script you suggested. It still crashes during the select kernel process.The network bridge or endpoint is a Magna Mano, it has a Rpi 3b+ with hat (Digi + pro overlay) and outputs over I2S to my Pontus Dac. It runs perfectly on 6.1.54 but with all the love that's going round regarding the 6.6 kernel and new tweaks, I really feel like I could be missing out on a potential upgrade in sound quality. It's not recoverable after it crashes, I have to reflash the SD card so I have no logs to send.

if you have teamviewer contact me privately and I'll take a look....

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2 minutes ago, crm75 said:

After running "gp-update" today, Diretta is not working anymore. On the diretta-target shows nothing at audio device.

Any advice?

after rebooting the target again, it started - but did that before and did not start. Weird :(

Is it a prefered order for starting host and target?

Link to comment

Diretta single is significantly preferred than having to use diretta multi. I would give a lot of hesitance to using diretta multi unless your truly using multiple diretta end points. 


It matters how the network averages packet delivery and makes the loop longer, potentially. Aka the way diretta improves sound gets harder and thus more prone to less than possible sq. 

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4 minutes ago, antonellocaroli said:

Not many....

1 that it is in the rc phase

2 that I tested it 

and nothing else!


Can you post your latency numbers with 5? I wonder how it fairs compared to the 4b....also thoughts on 6.7? Ik it's rc but it's still a monster update compilation wise. 

Link to comment
1 hour ago, Badd99 said:

Diretta single is significantly preferred than having to use diretta multi. I would give a lot of hesitance to using diretta multi unless your truly using multiple diretta end points. 


It matters how the network averages packet delivery and makes the loop longer, potentially. Aka the way diretta improves sound gets harder and thus more prone to less than possible sq. 

Having set Diretta Single cause a lot of issues in my side of stability  and with Multi no more issues with RPI Host and RPI Target, I do not know why I remember somebody hère helped me with this tips

Qobuz Studio -> Audirvana Studio Linux on RPI5 Gentoo Player v8.60 (kernel 6.8.1-GentooPlayer-ULTRA-CLTO-TEST+ , Shanti Alim, tweak kernel) -> Holo Red GP Mpd/Upmpdcli (same kernel) -Silver I2S> Holo Spring 2 kte -Silver XLR> BC Accoustique 362 D -> Quellis 1 Optima.

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