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the supported drivers should be these:


[1] SABRE ES90xx support 384khz      [37] HIFIBerry Amp(Amp+)
 [2] DAC USB                          [38] HIFIBerry DAC
 [3] Allo Boss Dac                    [39] HIFIBerry DAC+
 [4] Allo DigiOne                     [40] HIFIBerry DAC+ Light
 [5] Allo DigiOne Signature           [41] HIFIBerry DAC+ Pro
 [6] Allo Katana Dac                  [42] HIFIBerry Digi(Digi+)
 [7] Allo MiniBoss Dac                [43] HIFIBerry Digi+ Pro
 [8] Allo Piano 2.1 Hi-Fi Dac         [44] Hifimediy ES9023
 [9] Allo Piano Hi-Fi Dac             [45] IanFIFO II
 [10] Audio on Board (Rpi)            [46] IQaudIO Pi-AMP+
 [11] Audiophonics ES9018 Dac         [47] IQaudIO Pi-DAC
 [12] Audiophonics ES9023 Dac         [48] IQaudIO Pi-DAC PRO
 [13] Audiophonics ES9023 Dac Lte     [49] IQaudIO Pi-DAC+
 [14] Audiophonics ES9023 Dac Txco    [50] IqaudIO Pi-DACZero
 [15] Audiophonics ES9028 Dac         [51] IQaudIO Pi-Digi+
 [16] Audiophonics PCM5102 Dac        [52] IQaudIO Pi-DigiAMP+
 [17] Audiophonics PCM5122            [53] JustBoom AMP HAT(Zero)
 [18] Audiophonics PCM5122 Dac        [54] JustBoom DAC HAT(Zero)
 [19] Audiophonics TDA1387 Dac        [55] JustBoom Digi HAT(Zero)
 [20] Buffalo I                       [56] Lucid Labs Raspberry Pi DAC
 [21] Buffalo II/IIIse                [57] Mamboberry HiFi DAC+
 [22] DDDAC1794 NOS                   [58] Mamboberry LS DAC+
 [23] Denafrips Pontus R2R Dac (I2S)  [59] Pi2Design 502DAC
 [24] DIAL-DAC                        [60] Pi2Design 502DAC PRO
 [25] Dion Audio LOCO                 [61] Pi2Design 503HTA Hybrid Tube AMP
 [26] Dion Audio LOCO V2              [62] Pimoroni pHAT DAC
 [27] DIYINHK ES9023 Dac              [63] PlainAMP
 [28] Durio Sound PRO                 [64] PlainDAC
 [29] G2 Labs BerryNOS                [65] PlainDAC+
 [30] G2 Labs BerryNOS Red            [66] PlainDSP
 [31] Generic-1 I2S (hifiberry-dac)   [67] RaspiPlay4
 [32] Generic-2 I2S (rpi-dac)         [68] Red Rocks Audio DigiDAC1
 [33] HIFI DAC                        [69] RPi-DAC
 [34] HIFI DAC+                       [70] Soekris DAM1021/1121 (I2S)
 [35] HIFI Digi                       [71] Suptronics x400
 [36] HIFI Digi+

default starts with the SABER ES90xx support 384khz drivers which should be fine in most dac i2s..




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5 hours ago, Gordian said:

Exactly, that would be very nice of you if you could add Upmpdcli in the distribution.



yes, that can be done without problems ...

however if you want you can try it too ...

Consider that gentoo does not install binaries but compiles them, so some operations take a long time, especially on ARM architectures.

Assuming you've expanded the root partition with gparted, you can continue like this:


echo "media-libs/libmpdclient **" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords/my_key
echo "media-sound/upmpdcli **" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords/my_key
echo "net-libs/libupnpp **" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords/my_key
echo "net-libs/libupnp **" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords/my_key


if you are interested in qobuz, tidal, ...:

USE="thirdparty" emerge --ask media-sound/upmpdcli



emerge --ask media-sound/upmpdcli

then you have to edit the configuration file as wiki

Link to comment
31 minutes ago, Patatorz said:

One question, : when you mention above qobuz and Tidal, it is linked to the options of upmpdcli v1.3.6 ?

yes, I think so


I state that I am the least informed about upnp ... even if any of you can pull something out well ...

But it seems to you, when you launch it, however I have this type of information:


GentooPlayerRaspi /media #  * Starting upmpdcli ...
:3:src/mediaserver/contentdirectory.cxx:181::ContentDirectory: not creating entry for gmusic because neither gmusicuser nor gmusicautostart are defined in the configuration
:3:src/mediaserver/contentdirectory.cxx:181::ContentDirectory: not creating entry for qobuz because neither qobuzuser nor qobuzautostart are defined in the configuration
:3:src/mediaserver/contentdirectory.cxx:181::ContentDirectory: not creating entry for spotify because neither spotifyuser nor spotifyautostart are defined in the configuration
:3:src/mediaserver/contentdirectory.cxx:181::ContentDirectory: not creating entry for tidal because neither tidaluser nor tidalautostart are defined in the configuration    

and in fact I have not set any user and psw in the configuration file .... that's this


where in particular


# <grouptitle>Tidal streaming service parameters</grouptitle>

# <var name="tidaluser" type="string"><brief>Tidal user name.</brief>
# <descr>Your Tidal login name.</descr></var>
#tidaluser = your tidal user name
# <var name="tidalpass" type="string"><brief>Tidal password.</brief>
# <descr>The password for your Tidal account.</descr></var>
#tidalpass = your Tidal password
# <var name="tidalquality" type="cstr" values="low high lossless">
# <brief>Tidal stream quality.</brief> <descr>'low' and 'high' are aac
# streams. 'lossless' is FLAC and will only work if your subscription
# allows it.</descr></var>
#tidalquality = low/high/lossless

# <grouptitle>Qobuz streaming service parameters</grouptitle>

# <var name="qobuzuser" type="string"><brief>Qobuz user name.</brief>
# <descr>Your Qobuz login name.</descr></var>
#qobuzuser = [email protected]
# <var name="qobuzpass" type="string"><brief>Qobuz password.</brief>
# <descr>The password for your Qobuz account.</descr></var>
#qobuzpass = agoodpassword
# <var name="qobuzformatid" type="cstr" values="5 7">
# <brief>Qobuz stream quality.</brief> <descr>5 for mp3/320, 7 for FLAC if
# your subscription allows it.</descr></var>
#qobuzformatid = 5

# <grouptitle>Google Music streaming service parameters</grouptitle>

# <var name="gmusicuser" type="string"><brief>Google Music user name.</brief>
# <descr>Your Google Music login name (probably a gmail address).</descr></var>
#gmusicuser = [email protected]
# <var name="gmusicpass" type="string"><brief>Google Music password.</brief>
# <descr>The password for your Google Music account.</descr></var>
#gmusicpass = agoodpassword
# <var name="gmusicquality" type="cstr" values="hi med low">
# <brief>Google Music stream quality.</brief> <descr>'hi' for mp3/320, 'med'
# for mp3/160, 'low' for mp3/128.</descr></var>
#gmusicquality = med
# <var name="gmusicdeviceid" type="string"> <brief>Google Music device
# id.</brief> <descr>Your system MAC address will be used by default, but
# it seems that this does not work any more and that an Android deviceid is
# needed. upmpdcli will try to get one from the list of registered
# devices. If this does not work, you will need to set the gmusicdeviceid
# value to the device ID from a phone or tablet on which you also use
# Google Play Music (look up "Android deviceid" for help).</descr></var>
#gmusicdeviceid =

what I saw that works with LMS for example ...





Could you also clarify what is the meaning of the different RT kernel (1, 2..4) for the Pi version ?



There are various kernel configurations to check with which you can find better

Link to comment
10 hours ago, Gordian said:


It took at least 3 hours to compile but now it works like a charm !


:)   in the next image I include it ...



To make it play music is actually quite easy : just download an app like Mconnect on your phone/ipad, choose UpMpd as renderer in the 'play to' section and Qobuz in the 'Browser' section, that's it !


Of course you can choose LMS as 'local server' in the 'browser' section to play your music,  providing you installed the plugin called 'UPnP/DLNA Media Interface' in LMS to create an UPnP server.


Hope that can help.



And again thanks for your help


I saw that it works ...
what seems to me that does not work is the gapless ... is it so? or is there any setting to change?

thanks to you

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20 minutes ago, bodiebill said:


Tried this, but when I do

emerge --ask media-sound/upmpdcli

I get:

!!! Your current profile is invalid. If you have just changed your profile
!!! configuration, you should revert back to the previous configuration.


What am I doing wrong?

proceed so:


/etc/init/ntp-client restart

and then

emerge --ask media-sound/upmpdcli

it will take a bit 'of time...

Assuming you've expanded the root partition with gparted.
or wait for the next image ...

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3 hours ago, Patatorz said:

By default UPnP is not managing gapless.....some manufacturers tweaked UPnP (dCS) with their app and the renderer in order to handle this and others like Linn développed OpenHome to overcome the problems of UPnP (management of playlists at renderer level, gapless...). You can transform an UPnP renderer into OpenHome with bubbleupnp server for example. As OpenHome renderer you have linn, auralic, Lumin etc....so bubbleupnp server could be also a good solution to integrate in the distribution.


Yes, it seems that bubbleupnp the gapless works


ac, ext: flac, codec: flac, samplerate:44100, bits: 16, channels: 2, duration: 93.186667s, ReplayGain: false
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] INFO     - 0:38:58.890    - .FfmpegPCMDecodeServlet     : decode info: {"contentType":"audio/wav","samplerate":44100,"channels":2,"bitsPerSample":16,"duration":93.186667,"bytesPerSecond":176400,"decodeUrl":"","hasReplaygainApplied":false,"isAudioChanged":false,"isShoutcast":false}
[qtp1724457619-70 (70)       ] INFO     - 0:38:58.901    - .t                          : proxy stream request /stream/audio/674740dac5b96d4c1e13ae91010db32d.flac => <suppressed URL>
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:38:58.904    - .AVTransportService         : GAPLESS: setNextAVTransportURIAction:
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:38:58.906    - .OpenHomeService            : UpMpd (OpenHome): next playback item position: 4
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:00.403    - .a                          : setGaplessTransportStateChange: false
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:00.404    - .b                          : UpMpd: TransportState: Playing
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:00.407    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993902
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:00.512    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993902
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:00.619    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993902
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:00.725    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993902
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:00.831    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993902
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:00.937    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993902
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:01.44     - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993902
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:01.150    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993902
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:01.255    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993902
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:01.362    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993902
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:01.468    - .ac                         : started task TimeTask
[com.bubblesoft.bubbleupnpser] INFO     - 0:39:04.182    - .q$b                        : proxy: onResponseComplete: total response bytes: 8565035
[pool-3-thread-1 (24)        ] INFO     - 0:39:04.289    - .k                          : saved /root/urlcache.dat, 28 entries took: 3 ms
[GetTransportStateTask (293) ] INFO     - 0:39:53.757    - .AVTransportService$a       : GAPLESS: Simulate STOPPED on track change
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:53.758    - .a                          : setGaplessTransportStateChange: true
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:53.759    - .a                          : isGaplessTransportStateChange: true
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:53.760    - .b                          : gapless TransportState change
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:53.760    - .b                          : UpMpd: TransportState: Stopped
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:53.762    - .ac                         : stopping task TimeTask
[main (1)                    ] WARNING  - 0:39:54.3      - .Resource                   : cannot parse resolution: QOBUZ_HI_RES
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:54.12     - .a                          : SetNextAVTransportURI(, <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/" xmlns:sec="http://www.sec.co.kr/" xmlns:pv="http://www.pv.com/pvns/"><item id="track/get?track_id=55993904" parentID="" restricted="1"><upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class><dc:title>La Terpsichore: VI. Deuxième Rondeau</dc:title><dc:creator>Jordi Savall</dc:creator><upnp:artist>Jordi Savall</upnp:artist><upnp:albumArtURI>https://static.qobuz.com/images/covers/lb/v2/tb5mejwi1v2lb_600.jpg</upnp:albumArtURI><upnp:genre>Classique</upnp:genre><dc:date>2018-12-06 23:00:00 +0000</dc:date><upnp:album>Terpsichore: L'apothéose de la danse baroque</upnp:album><upnp:originalTrackNumber>6</upnp:originalTrackNumber><res protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/x-flac:DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000" bitsPerSample="16" sampleFrequency="44100" duration="0:01:15.000"></res></item></DIDL-Lite>)
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] INFO     - 0:39:54.27     - .FfmpegPCMDecodeServlet     : decode params: {"itemId":"track/get?track_id\u003d55993904","url":"","ext":"flac","supportsL16":true,"supportsL24":false,"supportsWAV":true,"soxResamplePrecision":28,"forcedSamplerate":-1,"maxSamplerate":-1,"defaultSamplerate":-1,"convert24BitTo16Bit":false,"downmixMultichannelToStereo":false,"convertMonoToStereo":true,"padEndOfTrack":true,"replaygain":"drop","rendererIpAddress":"","rendererUdn":"a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d"}
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] INFO     - 0:39:54.31     - .FFMpegUtils                : removed expired cached probe info for
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] INFO     - 0:39:54.34     - .FFMpegUtils                : ffprobe process started, timeout: 30000 ms: ffprobe -show_format -show_streams -seekable 0
[pool-3-thread-1 (24)        ] INFO     - 0:39:54.295    - .k                          : saved /root/urlcache.dat, 29 entries took: 4 ms
[qtp1724457619-175 (175)     ] INFO     - 0:39:54.369    - .t                          : proxy stream request /stream/audio/13dffcd2f9addba80cc93dac98d105ef.flac => <suppressed URL>
[com.bubblesoft.bubbleupnpser] WARNING  - 0:39:54.539    - .q$b                        : proxy: onResponseContent: org.eclipse.jetty.d.o
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] INFO     - 0:39:54.542    - .FFMpegUtils                : ffprobe finished
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] INFO     - 0:39:54.545    - .FFMpegUtils                : added cached probe info for, expires in 75 seconds
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] INFO     - 0:39:54.547    - .FfmpegPCMDecodeServlet     : input url:, format: flac, ext: flac, codec: flac, samplerate:44100, bits: 16, channels: 2, duration: 75.840023s, ReplayGain: false
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] INFO     - 0:39:54.549    - .FfmpegPCMDecodeServlet     : decode info: {"contentType":"audio/wav","samplerate":44100,"channels":2,"bitsPerSample":16,"duration":75.840023,"bytesPerSecond":176400,"decodeUrl":"","hasReplaygainApplied":false,"isAudioChanged":false,"isShoutcast":false}
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:54.561    - .AVTransportService         : GAPLESS: setNextAVTransportURIAction:
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:54.563    - .OpenHomeService            : UpMpd (OpenHome): next playback item position: 5
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:55.778    - .a                          : setGaplessTransportStateChange: false
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:55.779    - .b                          : UpMpd: TransportState: Playing
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:55.782    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993903
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:55.888    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993903
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:55.992    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993903
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:56.96     - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993903
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:56.200    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993903
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:56.304    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993903
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:56.408    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993903
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:56.512    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993903
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:56.617    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993903
[qtp1724457619-176 (176)     ] WARNING  - 0:39:56.721    - .JettyUtils                 : no current decode info found for item key: a632e261-f30b-cb3a-cce8-b827eb2f3f4d_track/get?track_id=55993903
[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 0:39:56.824    - .ac                         : started task TimeTask
[qtp1724457619-70 (70)       ] INFO     - 0:40:14.322    - .t                          : proxy stream request /stream/audio/13dffcd2f9addba80cc93dac98d105ef.flac => <suppressed URL>
[com.bubblesoft.bubbleupnpser] INFO     - 0:40:17.787    - .q$b                        : proxy: onResponseComplete: total response bytes: 5694412



using lumin...

Of course it is that bubbleupnp needs java, I have to evaluate if then it is possible to use it in ram, given the little ram of the rpi ...

Link to comment
1 hour ago, Patatorz said:

Just for your information, i tried to run in RAM the distribution with only roonbridge. I select to copy to ram but when i try to reboot, impossible to login in ssh even after 10 minutes. So perhaps it requests more time to load into ram ( :- ) ) or it does not work. Somebody else have this problem ?

on rpi? I realized that there is an error in the script, I will have to correct it ...the loading in ram must take place in maximum 1 min 1,30 min

thanks for the report



ust finished few tests with UPnP. I use minimserver as server with transcoding flac and dsd to wave. In this case i have a strong noise (no music). If i remove the transcoding from minimserver, i can listen to flac without any problem. I tried on another system (dCS network Bridge renderer) and no problem with the transcoding to wave. I will open a ticket in upmpdcli.

I'm trying also in a couple of minutes the connection to qobuz with UPMPDCLI

do you think it depends on the version of upmpdcli?



How to upgrade UPMPDCLI to the latest version (1.3.8) ?


the latest version available for gentoo is 1.3.6, but I can try to do an ebuild for version 1.3.8 ... I try

Link to comment
19 minutes ago, Patatorz said:

Hello Antonello,


i solved my problem with the fact that the transcoding to wave was not working. In fact the MPD version installed is not taking into account some formats like wave, AIFF etc...


To add i used the following command :


Now it works like a charm with transcoding to wave and for sure aiff and wave files

great!! I see you know how the compilation of the software works!

if you want to know which flag you can activate for a software you can give the command, example:


equery uses mpd

you can add the ones you want to activate in the file



nano /etc/portage/package.use/audio


in the meantime I'm going crazy with the ramdisk at boot that on the rpi makes me a problem ...

Link to comment
46 minutes ago, bodiebill said:

I have been trying the last days to make ramsystem (ramdisk) work with GentooPlayer. First I tried with an 8GB usb flash drive, but while performing ramsystem I got this error message "write error: no space left on device". So I tried with a 16GB drive, but again I got this same message. See screenshot.


Maybe by device is meant: the RAM device?


However, I use a 64bit pc with 8GB RAM of which more than 6.5GB is available according to free -m.


Any idea what I could be doing wrong?




Hi, Thanks for the report ...
are you trying with the xfce version?

Link to comment
1 hour ago, bodiebill said:


My bad, I apologize! I forgot to resize /dev/sda3 on the new stick. After doing so, ramsystem completes without error message!


How can I see that it is actually running in RAM?


free -m

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           7840          99        6562        1141        1178        6521


cat /proc/meminfo

MemTotal:        8028844 kB
MemFree:         6719600 kB
MemAvailable:    6677860 kB
Buffers:             496 kB
Cached:          1176156 kB
SwapCached:            0 kB
Active:            17548 kB
Inactive:        1165852 kB
Active(anon):      10104 kB
Inactive(anon):  1165340 kB
Active(file):       7444 kB
Inactive(file):      512 kB



PS I use the openRC version.


if the script did not give errors the system is in ram ...
but if you want a counter check remove the usb stick ...
but before doing so, restart the system in normal mode, give the command gp-update (update the scripts, I changed something) ... and then try ...

if you can even try the version systemd would make me a pleasure, and maybe give me your impressions, I would like to bring forward only one, or systemd or openRC ....


with systemd it can happen that it does not work internet, sometimes it can not solve the host, if it happens just give the following commands


ln -snf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service
systemctl start systemd-resolved.service





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gp-update does not work as there is no internet.

Actually, the normal GP menu items such as cpu-info, system-commands etc. do not work. I get errors like:

-bash: /gentooplayer/DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-cpuinfo: File o directory non esistente


it's a problem I know, without internet connection gp-update delete the script directory ... I've solved it but in the image there's still the old script, sorry

to restore it (after you have internet connection):

cd /tmp
git clone 'https://github.com/antonellocaroli/script64_eng_systemd.git'
mv script64_eng_systemd/gentooplayer/bashrc /etc/bash/bashrc
mv script64_eng_systemd/gentooplayer/ /
rm -rf script64_eng_systemd
chmod -R +x /gentooplayer/*
source /etc/profile

And when I try

ln  -snf /run/systemd/resolve /resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

I get:

-bash: ln : comando non trovato


have you resized sda3?

sure that the syntax is right?



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I updated the image of the rpi, fixed the problem of ramdisk at boot (I hope :)), added upmpdcli and BubbleUpnp and recompiled mpd.

Now when the system is in ram it indicates it in the home with a green writing in the upper left ...





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1 hour ago, Patatorz said:

Just installed it without any problem. But with this version i'm still not able to play wav/aif files with MPD/UPMPDCLI.

I checked and it seems you installed "audiofile" plugin for MPD (i suppose through the command below).

USE="audiofile" emerge --ask media-sound/mpd




yes, now the default enabled uses for mpd are these:



Is curl enabled in the mpd configuration file?


input {
	plugin			"curl"
	enabled			"yes"

I had to do it by default but it escaped me ..



Concerning Bubbleupnp, i thought you installed BubbleUpnPserver that should be accessible from IP:58050 but cannot access.


yes, the door is that. At least the first time must start not with the system in ram ... and the wen page does not open very quickly, loads various libraries java ...



Launching this command leads to the messages in attached file


I remove the portage files before creating the image, to reduce the space ...

to use those commands you should first do a sync with the gentoo repo ...




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Hi bodiebill, Thanks!



The keyboard layout seems to be different. For instance, when I want to type a hyphen (-) I get an apostrophe (').

It is set to Italian ;)


to change:





localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.utf8

localectl set-keymap us

localectl set-x11-keymap us



localectl set-locale LANG=fr_FR.utf8

localectl set-keymap fr

localectl set-x11-keymap fr




The second time (after a reboot) it looked better and I only got this message:

mpd       4809  0.0  0.1 500700 12924 ?        Ssl  21:14   0:00 /usr/bin/mpd --no-daemon


it is expected, makes a check of the active audio demons and does the restart



Mpd is active, but in both cases upmpdcli did not work anymore after copying to RAM, and I get:


when I had prepared the image I had not expected upmpdcli .... I will solve in the next image



Looking forward to the next image of GP64 with upmpdcli that hopefully solves this!?


I'm finishing the other two arm architectures and then I'm going to x64 ...

if there are other problems let me know, thanks

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2 hours ago, bodiebill said:


Today I tried both GentooPlay64 versions: the systemd and OpenRC ones. Apart from the init system the installations are the same with alsa 1.0.29, mpd and upmpdcli (for now without ramsystem).


Comparing sound quality, the results are close together, but I do prefer the sound of the systemd version. It is more relaxed, more open (less compressed) and has tighter bass. The difference is subtle but noticeable and important for long listening.


Thanks for the info bodiebill!!!





Systemd is known as a bloated (big) system, and OpenRC as a lean (minimal) system. So why is the GP64 systemd image (1.3GB) smaller than the OpenRC one (2GB) ?


that may also depend on how much free space I left in the image and the compression factor ....

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21 minutes ago, michaelvv said:



Been playing around with GentooPlayer for almost 10 hours using the systemd version like bodiebill.

Tried ramsystem and tried the different kernels. Never tried audiolinux but the gentooplayer is really nice.


For me when running in RamSystem mode the sound quality is really really good, and I prefer this mode.

Unplugged my Usb-Key and it just works, using squeezelite-R2.


There is a tons of stuff to tweak, but out of box it really deliver. I need to do more testing, but until now I'll

stay with GentooPlayer that's for sure.


PS! The only bug/feature I got when I first started up in dhcpd mode, I haven't no internet, due to some wrong

settings in /etc/resolv.conf , a echo "nameserver  mynameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf and I was happy again 🙂


Keep up the good work, this is really something to be proud of.


Best Michael




52 minutes ago, bodiebill said:

hi Antonello,


I see that you added upmpdcli and and an indication whether the system runs in RAM. That is great!


After using gp-update, both the systemd and openRC versions seem to work well in ramdisk mode, in spite of a few upmpdcli error messages that I do not understand. Is gp-update sufficient, or is it better to download the new images?


In ramsystem mode the two versions come closer in SQ but I still have a preference for systemd, especially with higher close harmony voices. It sounds cleaner.


Thanks again!

I'm changing a bit all the images ... I should solve a bit of things ....

if you can post me the mistakes you see ....

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