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Large Library Mess to clean up


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Would you like to try my own SongKong tagger. This is designed to work unattended on large number of files , it uses various methods to get good matches to both MusicBrainz and Discogs data and adds extensive amount of metadata. I have also worked closely with MInimServer and Melco to properly tag Classical music, with movements, works, performers ectera -


SongKong Lite is free, you can generate a report of your current metadata and manually edit your metadata at no cost. You can run the automated matching as a preview and see exactly the results before considering paid version. Here is an example of a 15,000 songs testset without metadata, matching took 90 minutes -


thanks Paul

Indie software developer of Jaikoz and SongKong taggers and the opensrc tagging library jaudiotagger

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, jacobacci said:

What makes jRiver unique as a tagging environment, is that it knows what tags you have used in your library. This information is accessible through the tagging panes view. This view will tell you how you in which ways you have written the composer Johann Sebastian Bach in your library (Bach, Johann Sebastian / Johann Sebastian Bach / Bach / Johan Sebastian Bach etc.)

Does JRiver realize that these are the same composer or is it up to the user to know that ?


When tagging with SongKong it knows the artist/composer entity etc that is being match to, this has big advantages since you choose between using the artist name exactly how it appears on the CD or using the artists standard name ensuring that the all releases will be listed under the same name rather than variations. i.e  it means that when the artist name on the CD is written using a different language/script such as  Пётр Ильич Чайковский  you can always use the English translation of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky if you wish. And because the artistId is also stored in the tags it is very easy to convert back and forth between the artist variations.

Indie software developer of Jaikoz and SongKong taggers and the opensrc tagging library jaudiotagger

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