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[HOW-TO] How to install Java JRE in Windows Server Core


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Hi Folks

This question seems to be asked a lot, so i though why not make a short guide about how to achieve it:


1. Copy the JRE installer in a local folder on your target system, c:\temp for example


2. Create a batch file with this code and save it also in c:\temp, name it "jre.cmd" for example

pushd %~dp0
start /wait jre-8u112-x64.exe INSTALLCFG=%~dp0jre.cfg

(Adjust the jre-81112-x64.exe part if needed to match the version you actually downloaded)


3. Create another file with the code below and name it "jre.cfg", put it also in c:\temp



4. launch jre.cmd and open the Task Manager, you will see the installer running


5. Once the installer is gone, Java JRE is installed and ready to go

ıllıllı [  ...AO 4.00 BETA... ] ıllıllı


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