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Article: Audiophile Reference Music Servers

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Hi, what happened to the Weiss Minerva?? How is it comparing to the Berkeley? By the way how the Mac is configured is clear to everybody, but please let us know what your PC consists of. What case, PS, cooling etc. because the possibilities are endless.<br />

Thanks Stephan

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Hi Stephen - Very good catch! My new reference is the Berkeley Alpha DAC for a few reasons. The Berkeley DAC came in two days before I sent the Minerva on to the next reviewer. This didn't allow me enough time to compare the two DACs. If I would've had both DACs in here for a couple months I would have leaned toward the Berkeley DAC. I can verify bit perfect playback at any time with the Alpha. In my current Mac Pro system the Alpha DAC simply sounds better. When I use my MacBook Pro the choice is clearly the Weiss Minerva via FireWire.<br />

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For the PC, I'm going to hold-off spilling the beans right now. I'll have a feature article on all the juicy details fairly soon. You are 100% correct when you say the possibilities are endless. Those endless possibilities dwindle down pretty quick when were talking about music servers however. I'm sure you're aware that silence, heat, speed, display, and aesthetics, to name a few things, come into play. <br />

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Thanks for thoroughly reading the article!

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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Thanks for replying so quickly Stephan since I had the same questions. Also, I do not recall a detail discussion of file formats used for either PC and Mac Reference Music Servers. I tend to think that equipment comes and goes and hopefully each change is one that brings us closer to musical bliss. But the file formats chosen for ripping CDs and DVD-As or digitizing vinyl can have far reaching consequences. So based on what you know in the horizon, what are your recommendations for both PCs and Macs.

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Hi audiozorro - My file format of choice has always been AIFF and remains AIFF. I recommend this for both Windows and OS X. WAV is my second choice, but the lack of album art is really a downer and takes away from the music server experience a little. The sound is exactly the same as AIFF though.<br />

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In my opinion AIFF is going to become more popular with the audiophile labels. HDtracks already offers AIFF downloads.

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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Hi Chris - Very good response time -<br />

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I am eagerly awaiting your article, because silence is the key and sound of course. So far nothing was really quiet. Except a Mac mini but that one is not an option.<br />

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Keep up the great work, I love your site<br />

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<a href="http://www.stereophile.com/news/010508ref/>Stereophile, January 5, 2008</a><br />

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<cite>The <strong>Alpha DAC</strong>, which does not infringe on the HDCD patents that Microsoft now owns, will debut at CES this week. Used with a PC equipped with an expensive <strong>Lynx sound card</strong> commonly capable of outputting digital data sampled at 176.4kHz, the DAC will be used to demonstrate RR's HRx files. I asked what program will be used to play the files.</cite><br />

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<cite>"We're only working with <strong>Windows XP</strong>, because Windows Vista is currently a disaster for audio," says Martin. "Vista tries to control and play files its way, which is not what we want. . . .Meanwhile, one of the programs we've been using is a free one called <strong>Media Monkey</strong>. It goes up to 24/176.4 without messing up and changing the files and bits." </cite>

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I look forward to Reference Recordings, Linn Records and others jumping on the AIFF bandwagon. Obviously as a Mac user, AIFF is a natural for me. But on the PC side, any neophyte perusing the MediaMonkey website won't get a warm and fuzzy feeling that AIFF is a major focus or even supported since it doesn't seem to be mentioned and a search turned up nothing. Not that your recommended reference software, MediaMonkey doesn't support AIFF, but if they can list MP3, ACC/M4A, OCG, WMA, MPC, APE, FLAC, and WAV surely they have room for 4 more little letters.

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Chris:<br />

<br />

Great post as always. I am learning so much from this site. You mention that the Mac Pro is the only mac that accepts PCIe cards. According to the specs on my Power Mac G5 dual core it has 2 4 lane and 1 8 lane PCI Express slots. Is there something in the configuration of the Lynx card that will only work with a Intel based Mac?<br />

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Also, is there any benefit to the Lynx card that has the SRC option to it?<br />

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Cheers to all and thanks for a great site.<br />

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Hi Craig - Thanks for the kind words about the site. You are 100% correct about the Power Mac G5 supporting PCIe. The Lynx card will certainly work in the G5. I should have been a little more specific, but I was talking about current Macs one could purchase today. My slip-up. There is no advantage to the SRC option and in fact it may add some unneeded features that cause more harm than good. Don't quote me on that, but it's possible.

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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It would be very interesting to know your opinion about Bencmark Media Systems DAC1 PRE, as an alternative DAC in reference music server system. <br />

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And what is your opinion about USB interface between DAC and music server. I have seen how Bencmark Media Systems DAC1 USB on connection to USB itself automatically adjusts necessary settings in Windows XP operating system for transparent bit-to-bit transfer. <br />

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Thanks for the clarification Chris. If I end up using my G5 as my server, will the lynx card be that much an improvement over usb or firewire out to the DAC? In other words would I be better off putting the extra money into the DAC as opposed to the lynx?<br />

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Thanks again,<br />

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Hi Craig - Keep in mind that this is a reference system. Both the card and the DAC are key components. that said, you can produce stellar sound many other ways including FireWire with the Weiss Minerva or a host of other DACs. If you can afford both the Lynx AES16e and the Alpha DAC you'll be in absolutely fabulous shape.

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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Thanks Chris, email sent regarding this custom cable.<br />

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On another note you seemed to have great success with an NAS which was part of my own plans. Does your music server have a wireless network card/capability built in and if so do you feel that this has the potential to introduce noise? The alternative is a hardwired ethernet cable but this could also act like an antenna for noise.<br />

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I am a PC user at present looking to build around a totally fanless A-Tech Fabrication Heatsync 7000 Case and an Asus P5Q-EM motherboard (new Intel G45 chipset) with onboard graphics capability. I will probably employ some sort of touchscreen (ELO) or remote desktop on an Asus EeePC for system control.<br />

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Thanks again for the great article.<br />

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Chris, <br />

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Great site and wealth of knowledge. I have a question for you regarding Apple's Audio Midi setup.<br />

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I understand that one has to manually change the audio midi setup in OSX every time you change sample rates. Does Apple have any plans for changing this and doesn't this sort of render the Mac OS as less than ideal for Reference Music Server?<br />

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Also, do the guys at Berkeley Adio labs have any plan on making a firewire version of their great Dac?<br />

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Any chance the new 12k Sonos System sounds Reference-grade as the above systems?<br />

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I would also like to know who can make these HD26 to AES cables you speak so highly of.<br />

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Thanks.<br />


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Thanks again Chris for all the excellent information. One additional question at the risk of getting off topic. I am assuming from your set up that your Mac Pro is in the listening room. I dont know if the Pros are any quieter than the G5s but mine get pretty loud. How do you deal with computer generated noise (ie fans, disk drives etc)? You mentioned that you limit internal drives to one. How big is that drive and is it only a system drive with all the music files on the NAS? Or does it not get too hot just playing back audio files?<br />

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Keep up the great work<br />

<br />


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Hey nabadanga - The Benchmark DAC1 PRE is a really good DAC. In fact I am listening to one as I type this. I have a ReQuest music server connected to it via coax right now. The DAC1 PRE is good but it don't consider it a reference quality component. <br />

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USB can be a totally great sounding interface if implemented well. Benchmark and Wavelength Audio are two manufacturers that do this as good as anyone. The auto sample rate recognition in the DAC1 is very cool.

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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Hi Aaron - My MacBook Pro music server has a wireless card in it, in fact I upgraded it myself to 802.11n. My Mac Pro does not have a wireless card. Introduction of noise is a good question that really hasn't been researched too much by audio enthusiasts. I do know there are some audio companies creating products to combat this already. Right now I am not worrying about it because there are no solid answers.

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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Hi Lee - You are certainly right about the lack of auto sample rate recognition in OS X. It's a real pain FOR NOW (hint).<br />

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The Berkeley guys don't have any current plans for FireWire as far as I know. Last time I talked to them about FW they certainly had it on their radar and were very knowledgeable about the best chips for FW DAC performance. Maybe in the future.<br />

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I haven't heard the new Sonos so I really can't comment on it. I have heard the old ones and would not consider them reference music servers.<br />

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The HD26 to AES cable ... hold out for a while and a solution might be available.

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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Hi Craig - My Mac Pro is in the listening room, but I have it in a semi-closed off area. I can't remember how loud the old G5s are, but I think the Mac Pros are pretty quiet. There are apps to control the fans as well. Computer generated noise can all be dealt with through some upgrades to the computer. My internal drive is limited to one and soon I will swap it out for a solid state drive without any noise. It is only the system drive as all my files are on my 5 TB NAS in a totally different room via Gigabit Ethernet.

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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High Chris,<br />

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Great blog....<br />

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Are there suitable SS drives available right now for MAC pro? if so what capacity and if not when?! Would you intend to just have the one drive in the MAC pro: a Solid State drive? And in this case would there be NO fan noise???? What about fan noise for the processor? AB

New simplified setup: STEREO- Primary listening Area: Cullen Circuits Mod ZP90> Benchmark DAC1>RotelRKB250 Power amp>KEF Q Series. Secondary listening areas: 1/ QNAP 119P II(running MinimServer)>UPnP>Linn Majik DSI>Linn Majik 140's. 2/ (Source awaiting)>Invicta DAC>RotelRKB2100 Power amp>Rega's. Tertiary multiroom areas: Same QNAP>SMB>Sonos>Various. MULTICHANNEL- MacMini>A+(Standalone mode)>Exasound e28 >5.1 analog out>Yamaha Avantage Receiver>Pre-outs>Linn Chakra power amps>Linn Katan front and sides. Linn Trikan Centre. Velodyne SPL1000 Ultra

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