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A newbie, before and after CA...

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When I first found this site, my setup was:


Asus comp. > Asus Xonar ST sound card >Optical cable> Marantz SR7005 (new) > Klipsch spk. 7.1 configuration.


I listened to the system in multi channel, because I wanted to use all those channels, and I thought it "filled the room with sound". I thought the system was fantastic.


I asked some questions and got some answers. I didn't always understand or like the answers, but I kept making changes relative to those answers, and I was amazed at the results. Seem I came to the right place to learn some new things.




Now my setup is:


Asus comp. > Pangea USB-Pc cable > DACit > RCA cables to audio input > Marantz SR7005 ( preamp out) > Emotiva XPA-5> Klipsch Spk. 5.1 configuration.


As a result of Chris' reviews in the C.A.S.H. list, and advice here, I found this unit the best bang for the buck. It's performance so far exceeds the Asus Xonar that I am amazed. So, newbies, they ain't kidding when the talk about the importance of DACs around here. The Pangea cable from the computer to the DACit, added a noticeable although slight increase to performance. Silver? Don't know.


The help I received here to bypass the DAC in the Marantz, and get the full impact of the new DACit was extremely helpful. Now I'm running RCA analog from the DAC into an analog input of the Marantz. In essence the Marantz for music purposes becomes an integrated preamp. I've set up the 5.1 configuration for movie Direct TV and other applications where surround is needed - Dolby, DTS, etc..


As I was going down this road, I started listening to music in two channels with the pure direct mode as I was advised here. I had to be in direct mode to keep the Marantz DAC from kicking in, and then I discovered how superior listening to music is in this mode.


If my old setup was fantastic, well it wasn't fantastic, I just thought it was. This new system setup is fantastic, and it blows my mind.


Well that's enough of this. Think I'll hang around and learn some more. Thanks to all of you for the helpful advice you gave. Newbies, pay attention, your liable to learn something. :0)


Jim N0VTZ (That's a zero, no an o)


PC (J River-Jplay) > USB > Mytek 192 - DSD > XLR > Adcom GFP-750 Pre > XLR > Emotiva XPA-5 > Snell C/V's (bi-amped) / Klipsch Sub <100 Hz

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Hi sjoc2000,


I'm curious about a couple of things? What software are you using and did you use ASIO or WASAPI with your original setup with the ST sound card and Marantz DAC?


Edit: Also, did you have any of the Marantz room correction EQ's (ie. Audessy)enabled in your original setup?


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J River, with Asus Xonar ST used ASIO (had trouble with others), ASIO not supported by DACit, so now using WASAPI - working fine.


Yes, EQ was done before, and then done again with new setup and 5.1 spk. configuration.




PC (J River-Jplay) > USB > Mytek 192 - DSD > XLR > Adcom GFP-750 Pre > XLR > Emotiva XPA-5 > Snell C/V's (bi-amped) / Klipsch Sub <100 Hz

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Thanks, the reason I ask is because I’m trying to justify whether or not to buy an external DAC for my system which is somewhat similar to your original setup.


I have a feeling that the reason you’re hearing a big difference in your 2 setups is because you’ve changed the settings in your computer/software (using the Peachtree driver) and receiver (using direct mode bypassing any room correction EQ's) and not because you’ve changed a cable and have utilized an external DAC. The Marantz receiver has a decent DAC and I’m surprised that an external DAC under $500.00 would make a significant difference.


Most people on this forum have a 2 channel system that use a preamp without a digital input and internal DAC and have no choice but to use an external DAC thus their popularity on this forum.


My question is - will I benefit from an external DAC when my pre/pro already has a decent internal DAC?


I have an Integra DHC-80.2 which incorporates Burr-Brown PCM 1796 32-bit/192-kHz DAC chips and an Essence St sound card with precision clock tuning for very low jitter.


My system consists of a Windows 7 PC -> JRMC 17 -> ASIO -> Essence ST -> Digital Coax -> Integra DHC-80.2 pre/pro with all EQ’s disabled -> Emotiva XPA-2 and XPA-5 -> Veritas 6.3 speakers.


Any comments or advice from the community would be appreciated.



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Case #1 - Asus comp. with Asus xonar card (xonar software set for speaker output, all spdif turned off.with rca analog output. Thgis insures that the Asus DAC is doing it's thing.) analog out to Marantz Analog input (DVD input), Maranta set to pure direct (all DSP turned off and Marantz DAC bypassed). Audio output very good


Case #2 - Asus comp. with Asus Xonar card (Xonar set for PCM output via optical cablel to Marantz optical input, insuring Marantz DAC processing of Bitstream) Marantz played in pure direct. Marantz DAC active no DSP. Audio out very good, very slightly inferior to Xonar DAC. This is a subjective opinion. :0) They were close.


Case #3 - Asus comp, USB to Peachtree USB input (ASUS Xonar card was removed and software uninstalled), DAC analog output to Marantz analog (DVD)input. Marantz in pure direct mode. Significant difference. Simply put, a more effective and accurate processing of the bitstream gives better audio. Dynamic range increased with more pronounced depth to each note played. Piano solo's take off into the statosphere, and vocals are enhanced. Orchestrations are better defined, each aspect of complex sound is better delineated. Now this differncegoes beyond subjectivity, a spectral analysis will show these quantitative differences.


I don't know enough about different DACs and their real sonic reproductive capabilities to make a worthwhile judgement about your particular case. A spec sheet tells you very little. I can only report to you about the case I'm dealing with. Your question would be better addressed to Chris, seems like a no nonsense objective guy. Read his review on the Peachtree DAC if you haven't already done so. Your question may be well answered by a few knowledgeable folks in this forum.


Good and peace to you Daren




PC (J River-Jplay) > USB > Mytek 192 - DSD > XLR > Adcom GFP-750 Pre > XLR > Emotiva XPA-5 > Snell C/V's (bi-amped) / Klipsch Sub <100 Hz

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Thanks Jim. I read the DAC-iT review and that's what got me wondering about adding an external DAC. I tried the Cambridge Audio DAC Magic Plus and found that, in my opinion, it was inferior to the Integra doing the D/A conversion.


I'm hoping that Chris or some of the other Gurus on the forum will provide some insight.


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Toke a closer look at the integra and

Cambridge you refered to. Your not going to find other than subjective reports on differnces, there are too many proprietary considerations for a real decision just from spec data. I think when Chris says he can't differentiate until, long term in depth listening, between the DACit and 5-7k systems, that's an attention getter. The man knows of what he speaks. I've related my opinion. Why don't you order a DACit from Amazon, and try it. You have a thirty day return policy there. You need to know how to disable other audio outputs on your computer. It was a bit of a pain in the back end here.




PC (J River-Jplay) > USB > Mytek 192 - DSD > XLR > Adcom GFP-750 Pre > XLR > Emotiva XPA-5 > Snell C/V's (bi-amped) / Klipsch Sub <100 Hz

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