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R. I. P. Seiji Ozawa 小澤 征爾

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Seiji Ozawa remembered | Gramophone







Ozawa passed away about a year after the humanist writer Oe Kenzaburo died.  Both are contemporary greats in their area, were born in the same year (in fact they had a book published "We were born in the same year" ), and there was also a moving story between Ozawa and Oe's autistic son, Hikari ( 大江光 ):  

 https://m.facebook.com/nt/screen/?params={"note_id"%3A996142034183498}&path=%2Fnotes%2Fnote%2F&refsrc=deprecated&locale2=es_LA&_rdr  (use translator on browser).  


R. I. P. 


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