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Some Basic Advice on 10yr Update to CAPS Lagoon Please

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If you’re going to invest in a motherboard I’d advice you to buy one with the latest chipset and skip the z590. This makes it more future proof. Some have reported the 12th generation cpu’s from Intel sound better then the previous ones, which gives you another reason to go for the z690. Can’t confirm that.


Just like you I use Jriver, no DSD, just pcm, no upsampling. It used to run on WS2019 with AO, but now I use windows 10 LTSC 2021 with AO, which sounds just as good, maybe even better, but with the convenience of a consumer friendlier GUI.

I also went from an old celeron to an I5 z390 to an i7 z690. The latter made a huge improvement in flow or effortless ore easynes or whatever to call it (I suck in discribing sound). Looking back I’d even buy an I9.


With fast cpu’s you can lower the latency in Jriver which improves sound. If you’re lucky you can also lower te latency of your dac driver. Are you already loading the file in ram with Jriver? The GSkill trident series are also low in latency. 16gb is more than enough indeed


I also use the H5 case, it’s stunning, both in looks as in cooling results. Barely gets warm. Good to know that newer cpu’s don’t take more energy than older ones, in fact they’re more energy efficient.  And, if you don’t upsample my i7 iddles on 5, maybe 10% if it’s max, which is probably just as much power as an old 7th gen i3 on, say 30%. The numbers is guessing, but I hope you get the point.

SSD produce digital glair as I call it. Intel optane drivers have very low latency, made a nice step forward to my ears.


Hope this helps sir, best regards,


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