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Sonos Port vs Sonos Connect

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I just got Notice from Sonos today that all gear produced from 2005-2011 (10 zones for me) will no longer be supported from May on. As I understand any newer gear will not be updated if it's combined with legacy gear (must all use the same operating system). They're giving a 30% discount on new gear. Wonder what happens next year if I add new gear - what will and won't work?


Well, I'm not sure what I'll miss after May, but I'll be damned if I'm going to upgrade to a new proprietary, closed, low resolution system like Sonos. I've had a real good run with Sonos, no equipment failures except when they decide to turn stuff off (CR100). Planned obsolescence seems like part of their business strategy. We'll see how long the old gear goes and look at the alternatives then. It wouldn't surprise if they do the Apple and program old gear to be less reliable. I'm not sure what the upgrade proposition is, it looks like the same old 16/44 system.


To the OP's question, I haven't tried the new Port, but not sure they would have 'better' sound quality as they're both pretty basic streamers. It'll have current parts and maybe more processing power (at least that's what the Obsolescence email said). I see the new one has a 12V Trigger but otherwise basically the same in a new wrapper. 

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