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Article: Woodstock & McIntosh An Iconic Duo

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Great topic @The Computer Audiophile. Sorry your experience was a bit miserable. I had a different experience. Loved the rain and mud. Woodstock was easily one of the best times of my life. Transcendent. Life changing. Probably the first and last time I'll ever experience that much of a humanistic, communal feeling. People spontaneously formed a human chain to help others climb a steep muddy hill where we camped out. And then some people felt sorry for us sleeping in the rain (couldn't afford a tent), so they gave us their tent and some food and drink.


Just before the now legendary Green Day mud slinging set, some kind dude generously traded me a bunch of weed for a few rolling papers. I was wondering if the band would start to complain about being pelted with mud, but in legit punk fashion, they reveled in it and started throwing it back. Good (un)clean fun.


To this day, Dave Navarro says that RHCP set with those crazy light bulb heads was one of the highlights of his entire musical career! I'll never forget seeing the whole crowd swinging their shirts over their heads during "Higher Ground." 


What an amazing time Woodstock was for me and all my NYC buddies who attended. One guy even rode his bike all the way upstate from Brooklyn. Thanks for evoking those treasured memories, Chris! I wonder if we crossed paths back then? Regardless, we're Woodstock bros now. ✌+❤️

“Using no way as way.” — Bruce Lee

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