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Anyone not switching from Tidal to Qobuz?


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Currently too many holes in direct comparison between Tidal & Qobuz for me to consider switching to Qobuz at this time, beta status notwithstanding.  I do enjoy any and all genres, and, in my particular case, after spending a slightly unreasonable amount of time doing direct comparisons, I've personally found Qobuz to come up short.


Also, the oft-repeated point against Tidal as having some form of rap/hip-hop focus is simply a phantom argument, period...end of story.  I haven't been keyed in to that world since around 1996 (think the last rap CD I bought was Jurassic 5 in 2000) and I have no issue whatsoever with zeroing in on precisely what I'm looking to listen to, at any time, all without the feeling that I'm somehow, or in some way, being inundated with something I don't find enjoyable.  The front page, even without Roon (which I do use on my PC), is a complete non-issue.


Insofar as hi-res is concerned, while I've been quite an advocate in the past, I've grown quite weary over the last couple of years having to A. Wait for someone on SHF to take a bullet for the team, so to speak B. Buy it blind & hope for an improvement, and/or C. Find the release through "other means" and use that trial run as some sort of barometer to determine whether or not said release is worth owning.  In this instance, one would presume that having access  to a great deal of hi-res material would be ideal, right?  Well, maybe not.


In theory, it sounds wonderful.  In practice?  I'm not so sure, as of yet.  Is it cool? Absolutely!  Is it a vital part of your experience?  That's in the eye of the beholder.


As an early hi-res adopter, I've found, over the last couple of weeks during my trial, that I already own in hi-res most of the albums which I'd consider to be essential, and the ones I don't?  Not sure they mean enough to have them available in hi-res for the additional fee should I ever want to listen.  The value proposition here is tricky, since one who has never really dealt in hi-res before might consider this an untapped treasure trove, I don't know.  For me, I find interest waning and interesting releases slowing.  YMMV.


Sorry for prattling on.  Just some thoughts...Thanks for looking!


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