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Just got a Yggdrasil!

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The new Oppo disc player will have the Sabre ESS 9038 chip, just like their new Sonica.  From my experience owning their 105 Disc player as well as their HA-1 HP Amp/DAC.  The Sabre DAC is way harsh compared to the Yggy...in fact there is literally no comparison ...> I have read reviews on the Sonica, and they have said, although much better than the 9018 and 9028 chips, the Sabre Glare is still there.


I still use my HA-1 as my Headphone amp (class A with plenty of grunt for my HD 800S), but use it with the Yggy DAC instead.   


As far as remote control goes, the HA-1 has an excellent remote to control my Headphone volume.

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Usually impressed with most stuff made in Germany, I found the amp's specs underwhelming.. ..


Since my HD-800S is a bit power hungry, I always look for amp output at that impedance...


The specs showed Amp ratings at 1 KHz and at less <.1% distortion.   Hell at 1000 Hz then is not at all what music demands from the amp.   Like saying an Amp has boat loads of "Peak Power" but RMS @ 20Hz-20Khz is a whole different animal.   But I'd guess it's got enough power for your requirements and that's all that matters!!

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I wonder if there was this much evaluation work put in to the "euphonic distortion/specs of Tubes?  They measure poorly when compared to SS...but because is referred to a Euphonic Coloration, its accepted as what's "right with Tubes".


Mani and JA obsess over..."what'd they do with the last two bits??  Is it truncation or just what?


How about Euphonic Digital Coloration....It's what right with the Yggy!!!!    Put down the OScope and just listen!

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They run out of Yggys all the time....what makes you think there's a pending upgrade?


I don't think that Jason or Mike would have let something new out of the bag without being ready to deliver.  If you read their book, Schiit Happens, they say they will never do that again...??

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14 hours ago, earnmyturns said:

I have frequent front-row seats for performances at SFJAZZ, and I also listen to albums by the same musicians often through my 2-channel system, in which the Yggy was the last component to be added. It was only after that that I lost any desire to upgrade the system to get closer to my frequent live music experiences. I have a Holo Spring 3 on order for my office system (Why the Spring instead of another Yggy? Because variety is the spice of life, that's why. ) so I might have to eat my words after I have heard it thoroughly, but in the meanwhile my living room is finally a capable proxy for those days live music is not available.



It will good to hear your comparison of the two DAC's...especially since they are both R2R technology.  I know the Solo does DSD which I have no interest in at the moment.   The Yggy was built with two different PSs.  One for Analog and one for Digital, It does not look like the Solo was built in that manner so I am looking forward to your comments...

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Here is all you need to know about the Yggy reviewed Robert Hartley from The Absolute Sound...



I don’t know how Schiit Audio has done it, but the $2300 Yggy

is in many ways competitive with any DAC I’ve heard regardless

of price. In some criteria—transient speed without etch, clarity

of musical line, whole-body involvement—the Yggy is as good

as digital gets. Yet the Yggy’s bold incisiveness may not resonate

with listeners who prefer a more relaxed and easygoing sound.

I, however, have no such reservation; this is a DAC I could

listen to and enjoy for a long time. In fact, there was something

different about the Yggy that pushed my buttons—I felt a musical

exhilaration that was experienced not as some intellectual

abstraction, but at a more fundamentally visceral level.

If you’re looking for a DAC that does quad-rate DSD, decodes

MQA, offers a volume control, and includes a headphone

amp, look elsewhere. But if the very best reproduction of PCM

sources is your goal, the Yggdrasil is the ticket. It’s a spectacular

performer on an absolute level, and an out-of-this world bargain.

The Yggy is not just a tremendous value in today’s DACs,

it’s one of the greatest bargains in the history of high-end audio

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Now JA can go piss himself...he's lost all credibility with me anyway...


Robert Hartley said the Yggy was one of the 3 best DACs he has ever heard...


 I can’t tell you how Moffatt

did it, but I can  describe

how the Yggy sounds, and

why its one of the three best

DACs I’ve heard regardless

of price. (The other two are

the $19,500 Berkeley Alpha

Reference and the $35,000

dCS Vivaldi. I suspect that

the MSB Select is outstanding,

after hearing it many

times at shows, but I haven’t

evaluated it in my own system.)


Back to my day....

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Yea sorry about that T ...I have a long time buddy with that last name...with the T


I like what gmgraves said about his Yggy above....while I have not heard the $36K dCS Vivaldi or the $20K Berkeley, I do think, from what I have heard (40+ years as a Audiophool) and read, the Yggy is one of the best fricken DACs you can buy period!

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8 minutes ago, manisandher said:

From my time with the Yggy, Stereophile's class B rating for the Yggy is about right.




It's a great thing that your opinion and that of JA's is so totally removed form what the preponderance of owners think.....Why don't you just go to thread where your opinion is popular because you obviously do not fit a thread about the Yggy...much less own one you TROLL!

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Three cheers for Fernando for calling it perfectly.   Mani has zero to contribute except to throw mud on something he obviously does NOT own or even like....He can go to a thread where he actually makes a positive contribution instead of throwing shade on everyone else....


Well everyone else besides John Atkinson...

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