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SOtM smS-200 unveiled at Munich Hi-End

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Just bought SMS 200 Ultra Neo with the LPS, the LPS can easily turn on but not the Neo which needs couple of on/off on/off to get it turn on.


I do realize without connecting the USB audio cable into Neo, the chance of on is much higher, I have replaced the USB cable but does not help, any idea ?



B&W 800 Diamond D2, Goldmund Eidos Reference CD, Goldmund Telos 600, Goldmund Mimesis 32, Cello Audio Palette MIV.[br]MacBook Pro, LIO, Mytek 192, HD800, Luxman SQ-38U, Luxman MQ-88u

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2 hours ago, ClothEars said:


Are you giving the SMS-200 enough time to start the boot up sequence.  It takes about 10 to 15 seconds for the boot up to start on mine after I switch it on.

Yes I always do even for few minutes 


no USB audio cable connection MOSTLY no issue. 

B&W 800 Diamond D2, Goldmund Eidos Reference CD, Goldmund Telos 600, Goldmund Mimesis 32, Cello Audio Palette MIV.[br]MacBook Pro, LIO, Mytek 192, HD800, Luxman SQ-38U, Luxman MQ-88u

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6 hours ago, EMMM said:


It sounds like a possible power issue?  Does the SMS 200 Ultra Neo require 9v or 12v?  Does the LPS supply the appropriate voltage for it?  Are you connecting any external USB drives to the SMS? 


Perhaps you can try using the SMPS wall wart that was supplied with the SMS 200?  This will help rule out the LPS as the cause if the SMS 200 still has trouble booting up.

Thank you for the suggestions, firstly my LPS in fact is SoTM SPS 500 and I have tried both 9 and 12 v with the same result.


Now I must need to turn the Neo one before I connect the USB cable, once it on it can run overnight without any issue.


I do not have the wall wart that was supplied with the SMS 200 and there is no external USB drive connect to NEO

B&W 800 Diamond D2, Goldmund Eidos Reference CD, Goldmund Telos 600, Goldmund Mimesis 32, Cello Audio Palette MIV.[br]MacBook Pro, LIO, Mytek 192, HD800, Luxman SQ-38U, Luxman MQ-88u

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6 hours ago, Tommd64 said:

Mitch, de sps 500 is ,, as it said a switched power supply. Instead of a liniar power supply. Nothing wrong with that coz it sounds great. If you have no wallwart power you have almost certaintly a 12v input on your sotm sms200ultra. Are you sure you use the right voltage?? Check you original box..


thank you, sorry i was wrongly stated the sps 500 as LPS. I have double checked the Ultra Neo needs 12v and sps 500 is being selected as 12v output. I have  tried to connect it with a wallwart power (12v), same issue.


now, I must first unplug USB cable before turning on the Neo. 

B&W 800 Diamond D2, Goldmund Eidos Reference CD, Goldmund Telos 600, Goldmund Mimesis 32, Cello Audio Palette MIV.[br]MacBook Pro, LIO, Mytek 192, HD800, Luxman SQ-38U, Luxman MQ-88u

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8 hours ago, EMMM said:


Are you able to try a different USB cable? 


Also, when using a 12v wallwart, was it a direct connection to the SMS-200 Ultra Neo?  I'm asking this in order to eliminate any issue with the SPS 500 and the DC cable between the SMS 200 and SPS 500.


If these suggestions don't work, I would suggest the next step would be either to contact the seller for help or reach out to May at SOtM directly.

Thank you once again, Emmm and Tommd for your help.


I have tried the following which no luck :


  1. Have done few resets
  2. Replaced with few different USB cable
  3. Direct connect to 12V wallwart power
  4. Switch on Nuc


The only way to turn in on was to unplug the USB audio cable from the Ultra Neo back, switch in on and plug the USB cable when its LED turn solid green.


I brought the Ultra Neo to my study room and connected with wallwart power (with no any cable connection on the back), IT TURN ON, so I connect an USB cable with it but no DAC on the other end, it TURN ON.


I got excited and brought it back to my listening room, connected all cables back with the wallwart power, it refused to Turn On. Then I unplug the USB cable, it TURN ON.


Out of a sudden, I have a feeling whether it has something related to my Vinnie Rossini LIO DAC, therefore I connected all the cable back to Ultra Neo, turn the LIO DAC first before turning the SoTM combo on, it TURN ON.


The conclusion is I need to press the on Botton of my DAC (does  not need to wait the dac to complete the boot process), then turn on the SMS500 , within 30 seconds the Ultra Neo will automatically switch on.


I have tried couple of times, so far so good.


B&W 800 Diamond D2, Goldmund Eidos Reference CD, Goldmund Telos 600, Goldmund Mimesis 32, Cello Audio Palette MIV.[br]MacBook Pro, LIO, Mytek 192, HD800, Luxman SQ-38U, Luxman MQ-88u

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  • 2 years later...
3 hours ago, bodiebill said:

Previously I owned an SOtM SMS-200 Ultra Neo but sold it to make place for a Pi2AES. However I started missing the possibilty of DSD playback so today bought and Ultra Neo revamped by Elite Audio including a 10 MHz / 75 Ohm external clock connection. I love the sound with mpd and DSD512


I have a question about external clocking. I have an Aune XC1 external clock, also 10 MHz / 75 Ohm,  with 2 sine and 2 aquare wave connections, but nothing seems to happen when I connect or disconnect it. I would at least expect there to be an audible hiccup when the SMS-200 switches from internal to external clock or vice versa, and neither can I hear a difference in SQ.


How can I be sure that the SMS-200 is locking to the external clock?


I tried the same with an Afterdark Emperor Double Crown 10 MHz / 75 Ohm clock with one square wave connection, but not sure whether the SMS-200 is happy with a square wave. SOtM's own sCLK-OCX10 master clock does sine waves.

I thought SMS-200 is 50 ohm

B&W 800 Diamond D2, Goldmund Eidos Reference CD, Goldmund Telos 600, Goldmund Mimesis 32, Cello Audio Palette MIV.[br]MacBook Pro, LIO, Mytek 192, HD800, Luxman SQ-38U, Luxman MQ-88u

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17 hours ago, bodiebill said:

Actually, upon my question whether I can use my two 10MHz / 75 Ohm reference clocks (Afterdark and Aune) for the SMS-200, SOtM's May just confirmed (I think) that this is possible:


Yes, you can use the 10mhz clock signal to the sMS-200ultra Neo with 75ohm master clock input version.

I could be wrong, my understanding is, unless special request, sM@-200 ultra Neo came with 50 ohm as standard.

B&W 800 Diamond D2, Goldmund Eidos Reference CD, Goldmund Telos 600, Goldmund Mimesis 32, Cello Audio Palette MIV.[br]MacBook Pro, LIO, Mytek 192, HD800, Luxman SQ-38U, Luxman MQ-88u

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  • 2 years later...

Received my Game card too ... out of my expectation .... I can hear the sound difference ..


Do not ask me the tech. issue ..... and I do not understand the reason behind .. but it does change the sound, and even in a better way ..

B&W 800 Diamond D2, Goldmund Eidos Reference CD, Goldmund Telos 600, Goldmund Mimesis 32, Cello Audio Palette MIV.[br]MacBook Pro, LIO, Mytek 192, HD800, Luxman SQ-38U, Luxman MQ-88u

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12 hours ago, Joao Lins said:


What size card did you buy?


B&W 800 Diamond D2, Goldmund Eidos Reference CD, Goldmund Telos 600, Goldmund Mimesis 32, Cello Audio Palette MIV.[br]MacBook Pro, LIO, Mytek 192, HD800, Luxman SQ-38U, Luxman MQ-88u

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5 hours ago, stefano_mbp said:

What’s the meaning of those pictures? … no Chinese/Japanese here …

The Japanese translation of the Top

It can have a negative impact on the components and circuits of playback equipment, causing a decline in sound quality.


The Bottom one 

Measures have been taken to reduce electrical noise by taking measures to address technical elements within the memory card that are thought to affect sound quality.


Reduces the impact on playback equipment and improves sound quality


Frequency analysis data


radiation intensity




Our conventional product






Slight electrical noise occurs when reading data

B&W 800 Diamond D2, Goldmund Eidos Reference CD, Goldmund Telos 600, Goldmund Mimesis 32, Cello Audio Palette MIV.[br]MacBook Pro, LIO, Mytek 192, HD800, Luxman SQ-38U, Luxman MQ-88u

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To be honest, when I first heard ... I did not believe and made a conclusion - it was subjective and nothing to support a SD card could make the sound different. 


Since I needed few new cards for backup why not tried two Game card as above suggested ..... in turn on made a surprise.


Tempted to try Delkin Power UHS-II microSD , received it and  Imust said ... it is even better .... 







B&W 800 Diamond D2, Goldmund Eidos Reference CD, Goldmund Telos 600, Goldmund Mimesis 32, Cello Audio Palette MIV.[br]MacBook Pro, LIO, Mytek 192, HD800, Luxman SQ-38U, Luxman MQ-88u

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3 hours ago, mitch751 said:


sorry should be 64GB

B&W 800 Diamond D2, Goldmund Eidos Reference CD, Goldmund Telos 600, Goldmund Mimesis 32, Cello Audio Palette MIV.[br]MacBook Pro, LIO, Mytek 192, HD800, Luxman SQ-38U, Luxman MQ-88u

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