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Metrum Musette

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Hi George,

Regarding wether the musette requires the 5V line in to operate, I asked a representative from Addicted to Audio in Australia who emailed Metrum and they indicated that yes it did.  The extra detail was added that only 3V was actually used by the Musette.  I wanted to know because I plan to use SOTM SMS 200 which only has a USB out and wanted to know whether a ifiusbpower type device that supplied clean 5V USB power to the DAC separate from the USB data from the SMS 200 would help.  Seems like it might? 


On a related topic, I wanted to ask you how you thought the French TDA1543 based NOS DAC3 compared to the Metrum.  (I actually have never owned a DAC.  My CD player died recently.  I hadn't used it much over the last several years preferring my Origin Live TT to Salience phono stage vinyl set up.)  So does the DAC3 compete with the Musette?  Or is the Musette much better?


Also if anyone knows why plugging in a SSD directly into the SOTM SMS 200 would degrade the sound, but plugging in a 12V powered hard drive dock would cause no such degredation please let me know.  This seems to be a finding in a SOTM SMS 200 review on stereonet.com.au.  It seems that the hard drive dock (Astone 250e) successfully used by the reviewer, Bilbo, is no longer available and more recent Astone models are not seen by the SMS 200.  I have emailed a distributer in Australia, Crux Audio, but haven't heard back.


Kind regards,


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