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J River to HQPlayer

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I'm getting nothing loaded into HQP.  While watching in RDC (while using ither JRMC or Jremote) the script loads and something happens in the powershell dialog, but then it closes too fast to read. 


The log entry (other than stats) is this:


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I went back to "Replace([Filename], &, ^&),[Disc #],[Track #]" instead of the longer argument that creates new fields.  The albums now load.  I don't create temp files nor need HQP filter flexibility from JRiver.  We'll see if this simply works.

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I'm not sure Foobar has the same kind of file type association flexibility but worth a look.  But Bogi had developed something a year or two ago, but the link in his signature is broken.

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My structure is Artist - Album/tracks an has worked ok from the get go, and as per my last post, works fine with the older argument used in file associations.  BTW, "stereo stuff" is just the parent directory name of the temp hdd I'm using until my new 6TB hdd (broke the SATA data connection on the first one!!) is installed.  But nonetheless, the new hdd partition will be E:Music, and I have subdirectories (under which artist - album folders exist) called lossless, other hirez, Stereo DSF, etc.  It's still two levels nested, like yours.

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1.0.0 is no different.  The larger argument string seems to be the culprit, since when I change back to "Replace([Filename], &, ^&),[Disc #],[Track #]" either version seems to work ok.

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Geoff, Yes, I went through the process of setting up the custom fields, added the "No" value to Repeat ALL (just for kicks, and because my test library isn't huge) and yes, the longer arguments string now works fine (also making note to set Artist Play ALL to "make one per artist"). 


Question:  Your pdf guide includes other fields like HQPlayer Dither and HQPlayer Mode in the screen grab of JRemote metadata.  Is that a mistake (i.e early version of custom field name)?


Users: realize that this now allows, say, all jazz genre albums to use a different filter than, say, classical or pop.  Simply go to files, sort on jazz genre, and under "tag" input a new legit filter name in HQplayer Filter.

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First off, any time I tried to use the script with the larger argument, like the one you are using, it wouldn't work (unless one went through the hassle of adding those user-defined fields).  Short of that, I had to revert to the shorter argument "Replace([Filename], &, ^&),[Disc #],[Track #]" .


Second, I haven't tested 1.02 but after your post I am testing 1.02 now but am first putting "No" in my Repeat ALL tags.  It's taking a while for 50k tracks.


Third,  it looks like your cmd file is looking for your script in a nested folder called jriver-hqp-album, yet your screenshot shows only jriver-hqp folder.

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Version 1.02 works for me, but didn't without adding the nine user-defined fields.  Takes about 10 minutes total.        just follow the instructions in the pdf.  I also checked the box called "save in file tags (when possible)"

jrhqp fields.png

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My idiot-log brain says that you are trying to play a HQP-unsupported codec (M4A) and haven't set up the temp fields yet.


I would go to JRIver and first create TWO user fields (tools -> option -> Library and Folders -> Manage Library Fields), HQPlayer Temp and HQPlayer Temp Type.  Then in the files view of JRIver go to all your M4A files (sort based on panel at top of files view) and highlight them all, right click and choose "tag" then go to tag list on left side of JRIver and scroll down to HQPlayer Temp and type in "Yes" (without the quotes).  Let JRiver tag these files (may take awhile if you have thousands).  Then close JRiver and reopen, and try playback again.

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Short of that (I'm on Eastern time and it's getting late, since no response in 45 min):

1)  don;t worry about the shorter argument string.  You can't use it anyway, cuz it won't address your non-HQP files (like M4A stuff)

2)  The HQPlayer fields need to be created by you, as do the others, through the "manage library fields" screen (add new field).

3)  The fields need to be typed exactly as Geoff has them in the argument string, so Repeat ALL (not Repeat All).



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I am so sorry about misleading you on ALL (which, of course should be All).  Not sure what I was smoking.  Thanks Geoff for the firm slap; I'm good now.  :)  And I guess I need log training, cuz I read your log as using M4A.  Other than that.......  :(  


Rikirk, I will call you later. 

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1.05 needs a correction (which I made for mine).  HQPlayer-control.exe is referenced to the wrong directory in the cmd file.  It should go to Program Files\Signalyst\HQPlayer Desktop 3, not C:\HQPlayer


Thank goodness for the log file.  :)


So, as long as one is in the cmd file to put in their .ps1 location simply replace the line

set hqpath=C:\HQPlayer\hqp-control.exe


set hqpath=C:\Program Files\Signalyst\HQPlayer Desktop 3\hqp-control.exe


BTW, the downside with the new "tap" idea is that those who are using an NAA like the microRendu (Linux) experience a horrible pop when a DSD track is started from scratch (supposedly fixed in beta firmware...I wouldn't know.... :) ).  There is no issue when playing DSD albums or playlists and another song is chosen (in any DSD rate, btw) just when HQPlayer stops and then starts into any DSD track.  Well, this is forced with your "tap" feature, as moving to another song within an album or playlist (previously unharmed) causes HQPlayer to stop and start.  FYI. 

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Don;t get me wrong, if HQplayer sounds better there, then fine, but that is not the default location for HQplayer's install, nor what the pdf manual states.  That's all.  Do what you want.


I was trying to do a community service, as I personally don't have the issues with the "pop", mainly cuz my two NAAs (Windows NAA and microRendu) have software to alleviate it or it doesn't exist in the first place.  But other than me the "pop" is real with production microRendu as NAA.


So, move the whole Signalyst folder from Program files to the root drive?  Are there no registries, etc that will look for it in the other place?

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  • 3 months later...
9 minutes ago, sig8 said:

One question though; I have to tap twice for a track to change, is it normal?

Yes, check Geoff's notes in his April 14 post.  Cut-n-pasted here:

The main change in this version is the addition of playback control as follows:


1/ Tapping in J Remote on the currently playing track causes playback to pause.

2/ A subsequent tap on that same track causes play to resume where it left off.

3/ A tap on any other track within the same Album, Artist or Playlist will cause playback to Stop.

4/ A subsequent tap on any track within the same Album, Artist or Playlist will cause playback to start again from the beginning of that track.

4/ A tap on a track from a different Album, Artist or Playlist will immediately instigate playback from that track as before.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This script allows one to use JRIver and its library management (which is loads better than HQPs and in some cases better than Roons) and allows one to use the very nice JRemote ipad/iphone/remote app to find one's music and play it through HQPlayer.  Roon is a better handoff (to HQP) than this DIY script, but Roon is a lot of money, has not implemented folder-based views, and can be slighlty more cumbersome when you want to get to music quickly.  Many of us like JRemote as well or better.

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  • 2 months later...

What do you mean by which extension?  Th first thing you must do, regardless of using the custom fields and tags, is to edit each of the file extensions you use in everyday listening (I.e flac, wav, dsf, diff, etc) and include the copied and pasted path and arguments in the pdf. Once one is done, the others are exact copies.  Also, make sure the path is also edited in the command file or it won’t find your script location.  I will include a screenshot when I’m back at my computer.

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2 hours ago, lian00 said:

I thought there was some text file created with the path of all files and I was curious about the extension of this eventual txt file. I discovered that there was no program associated with my .txt files and these files could not be created by any program. It could explain my recent problems.

Text files?  Did you read and follow the included PDF instructions?  Here is a screenshot of my setup (note: i included all the arguments even though I don't use them nor have I created the custom fields in all cases, but figured it best to list them just in case I do later)..

jriver 2 hqp.png

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  • 6 months later...
4 hours ago, Geoffrey Armstrong said:

Here is the latest version which is now named "jr-hqp".


Please place it in your C drive root folder.





Thanks.  What is new, fixed or different about this release?  Didn't expect to see a changelog from you, but asking anyway.

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