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Wyred 4 Sound


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I just talked to them. Their phone lines were down due to rain. So never mind


They were temporarily called "Not Wyred 4 Telephone" ;)



“We are the Audiodrones. Lower your skepticism and surrender your wallets. We will add your cash and savings to our own. Your mindset will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.” - (Quote from Star Trek: The Audiophile Generation)

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FYI. I talked to Clint yesterday, and they are working on an upgrade for the new MAC OS. My DAC2 is dead until the new driver is released. Major pain in the arse, say I.

In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake ~ Sayre's Law

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I spoke to him on Wednesday. He claims it's been resolved. Yet, still nothing has appeared.


I have heretofore madly waved the party flag when it comes to W4S Customer Support. They have always done spectacular for me in the past. However, this opinion is waning rapidly.


This whole situation truly is inexcusable. The golden disc version of Mavericks was released to developers well over a month ago. There is no plausible excuse for such a simple issue as this catching them with their pants down. Unless, of course, they have all along been too cheap to spend the nominal fee required to become a registered Apple Developer.


I realise that I am now a legacy owner and this is a legacy problem. What upsets me is that the unit that makes me a legacy owner was purchased directly from W4S barely a year ago without any warning that what I was purchasing was a unit they were about to virtually abandon. Had they bothered to clue me in on the matter, I'd have been glad to go the newer route at the time. But all of this was ignored as they cheerfully accepted my money and parked me. I guess they had to dump inventory somehow before announcing the higher-priced spread.


Certainly a situation I will remember when I move out of this unit (or should I say boat anchor?)






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PS -- I might also note that, nearly two weeks in, the W4S website still bears no mention of this problem. As an owner, should you happen to run afoul of this issue, the only way you'll find out anything about it without scouring the web is by calling them up (only during business hours of course) and asking.


It would seem that W4S has become more concerned about their image than about keeping established customers in the loop. Congrats guys...now you're just like all the rest.




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Mr. Templar has a very good point. I wonder what W4S is telling customers who ordered DACs during the last week or so?


"Hey thanks for the order Mr MAC owner, don't hook up your new $$$ DAC to the new OSX 10.9"

In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake ~ Sayre's Law

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PS -- I might also note that, nearly two weeks in, the W4S website still bears no mention of this problem. As an owner, should you happen to run afoul of this issue, the only way you'll find out anything about it without scouring the web is by calling them up (only during business hours of course) and asking.


It would seem that W4S has become more concerned about their image than about keeping established customers in the loop. Congrats guys...now you're just like all the rest.






From their website;

OS X Mavericks and DAC-2 compatibility - W4S - News updates, product release notes and trade show details


Sometimes all you have to do is pick up the phone and call them.. It was actually simple..

The Truth Is Out There

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Sometimes all you have to do is pick up the phone and call them.. It was actually simple..


As may be, but I believe the point is that this is something which they should have done on their own....not because somebody called them up two weeks on and forced the issue. (Talk about closing the barn door after the horse has gone!) Failure to immediately and publicly acknowledge such issues smacks of an attempt to save face by sweeping them under the nearest carpet. Especially as they clearly had no problems continuing to advertise more of these units for sale all the while.


It's obviously a case of 'Too Little, Too Late, Wonder Why?' To now post this on their website long after all the affected users were forced to ferret the information out on their own is...well...insulting at the very least. Are we truly expected to believe that nobody thought it was a good idea to let us all in on the matter? Or, worse yet, are we now to be told that the whole idea didn't even cross their minds, pro or con?


Also, the point is that this problem should never have been a problem in the first place. First developer releases of Mavericks were available to registered developers nearly a year ago. The final (aka 'golden disk') version has been in developer circulation for over a month. Yet here we are, two weeks into public release, and still nothing more than what appears to be idle promises.


(Of course, this all absolutely BEGS the question as to whether W4S has even bothered to register as a developer in the first place. In view of the ease and relative minor expense of doing so....I fear to learn the answer to this one, and what it might imply.)


Let's face it, W4S had ample opportunity to find this on their own LONG before it hit release. Yet they still were caught with their pants down. While not for sure, it certainly has the appearance that W4S was compleatly unaware of this until owners began calling about it. Then they failed to publicly acknowledge their shortcomings.But, when pressed on the matter, they have spent two weeks spewing out the same 'we-have-it-its-coming-soon-we'll-let-you-know' pablum over and over ad nauseum. All over nothing more than a driver.


Surely, for every DAC2 owner here on the forum who's run afoul of this there are undoubtedly 50 or so more who aren't web-connected and were caught even more in the dark over the matter than we were.


No, I'm sorry....I have been a staunch, nearly even wild-eyed, W4S supporter ever since purchase. But even *I* cannot condone what has gone on over all this. Clearly, if W4S could find a bad decision to make.....then they made it. If there was a ball to be dropped....someone stepped up and spiked it.


I predict that I am not the only owner ...who previously was about to pony up the $1200 or so to upgrade to SE... who now will be taking that money elsewhere instead. For I also predict that this will not be the only time that owners will be forced to go through this.






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As may be, but I believe the point is that this is something which they should have done on their own....not because somebody called them up two weeks on and forced the issue. (Talk about closing the barn door after the horse has gone!) Failure to immediately and publicly acknowledge such issues smacks of an attempt to save face by sweeping them under the nearest carpet. Especially as they clearly had no problems continuing to advertise more of these units for sale all the while.


It's obviously a case of 'Too Little, Too Late, Wonder Why?' To now post this on their website long after all the affected users were forced to ferret the information out on their own is...well...insulting at the very least. Are we truly expected to believe that nobody thought it was a good idea to let us all in on the matter? Or, worse yet, are we now to be told that the whole idea didn't even cross their minds, pro or con?


Also, the point is that this problem should never have been a problem in the first place. First developer releases of Mavericks were available to registered developers nearly a year ago. The final (aka 'golden disk') version has been in developer circulation for over a month. Yet here we are, two weeks into public release, and still nothing more than what appears to be idle promises.


(Of course, this all absolutely BEGS the question as to whether W4S has even bothered to register as a developer in the first place. In view of the ease and relative minor expense of doing so....I fear to learn the answer to this one, and what it might imply.)


Let's face it, W4S had ample opportunity to find this on their own LONG before it hit release. Yet they still were caught with their pants down. While not for sure, it certainly has the appearance that W4S was compleatly unaware of this until owners began calling about it. Then they failed to publicly acknowledge their shortcomings.But, when pressed on the matter, they have spent two weeks spewing out the same 'we-have-it-its-coming-soon-we'll-let-you-know' pablum over and over ad nauseum. All over nothing more than a driver.


Surely, for every DAC2 owner here on the forum who's run afoul of this there are undoubtedly 50 or so more who aren't web-connected and were caught even more in the dark over the matter than we were.


No, I'm sorry....I have been a staunch, nearly even wild-eyed, W4S supporter ever since purchase. But even *I* cannot condone what has gone on over all this. Clearly, if W4S could find a bad decision to make.....then they made it. If there was a ball to be dropped....someone stepped up and spiked it.


I predict that I am not the only owner ...who previously was about to pony up the $1200 or so to upgrade to SE... who now will be taking that money elsewhere instead. For I also predict that this will not be the only time that owners will be forced to go through this.







Well here's my answer to you, sell your W4S product and move on.

The Truth Is Out There

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From their website;

OS X Mavericks and DAC-2 compatibility - W4S - News updates, product release notes and trade show details


Sometimes all you have to do is pick up the phone and call them.. It was actually simple..



Well here's my answer to you, sell your W4S product and move on. (QUOTE)



For the record, both Bill32 and I (and others) DID call W4S, and yes I did order a new DAC solution yesterday.

In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake ~ Sayre's Law

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Well here's my answer to you, sell your W4S product and move on. (QUOTE)



For the record, both Bill32 and I (and others) DID call W4S, and yes I did order a new DAC solution yesterday.


What are you getting if I might ask

The Truth Is Out There

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What are you getting if I might ask


For my office system - which has space limitations. I ordered an AVM C8. This is a compact unit (all in one) that should fit my needs. According to the sales person - no evil drivers required.

In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake ~ Sayre's Law

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Today at 12:02 PM




We hope that your day is off to a good start and wish you a wonderful weekend.



Your patience throughout this matter is greatly appreciated and we are deeply sorry for this inconvenience. The release of the new drivers has been delayed much longer than we expected and than we initially advised when you contacted us. In this instance the problem stemmed from the aspect that we do not develop the drivers internally and rely on a 3rd party. Fortunately we have just received an update from the developers and the driver is now working very well and nearly complete. The last obstacle is one that should not be an issue but must be overcome nonetheless. It is related to the global sign certificate that is attached to the driver for recognition by the OS. This recognition process should be a slam dunk but the new OSX is not cooperating. Although this is currently delaying the release, it is a minor issue and the team is already in contact with the appropriate parties to correct it.



I truly hope to that the next email will include drivers so that you can get back to enjoying your music. Thank you again for your patience and support.


Best Regards,



[email protected]


Ph: (805) 466-9973

Fax: (805) 462-8962





In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake ~ Sayre's Law

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  • 2 weeks later...



We hope that your day is off to a good start and wish you a wonderful weekend.


Your patience throughout this matter is greatly appreciated and we are deeply sorry for this inconvenience. The release of the new drivers has been delayed much longer than we expected and than we initially advised when you contacted us. In this instance the problem stemmed from the aspect that we do not develop the drivers internally and rely on a 3rd party. Fortunately we have just received an update from the developers and the driver is now working very well and nearly complete. The last obstacle is one that should not be an issue but must be overcome nonetheless. It is related to the global sign certificate that is attached to the driver for recognition by the OS. This recognition process should be a slam dunk but the new OSX is not cooperating. Although this is currently delaying the release, it is a minor issue and the team is already in contact with the appropriate parties to correct it.


I truly hope to that the next email will include drivers so that you can get back to enjoying your music. Thank you again for your patience and support.





Just thought I would state that today is 16 November. No Joy from W4S or the so called developer.


The new AVM C8 is very nice. It serves as a DAC and a pre amp for my headphone amp. (Also has a CD drive)

The W4S DAC 2 is a paperweight.

In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake ~ Sayre's Law

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Yes...we are closing in on one month since the release of Mavericks and all W4S has had to say is 'any day now'. I noticed today, on another forum, a statement saying 'any day now....if you like, you can call us'. Gee, thought we could call them anyway....I know I have on quite a number of occasions.


However, there is precious little difference between 'any day now' and "give us a call and we'll tell you 'any day now' by voice". In that same post, they once again shift the blame to Apple over this certificate issue. Of course, no mention even yet that W4S made a mistake and let something slip past them that could have and SHOULD HAVE been caught and dealt with at least a month prior to the Mavericks release. Also, no mention of the fact it took a telephone call from an owner to force them to publish on their website that there was an issue in the first place.


An interesting note, in this other posting they now tell us all that we can of course always pay them to update our DAC2's and we'll no longer need to worry about drivers. This is not news. We've known about the upgrade path all along.


However, I do have to question this attempt to help the company to make a profit from their short-sightedness and their glaring mistakes. In the midst of all of this, to be told 'Any day now...but if you give us MORE money we'll make your problem go away' just plain smacks of ransom.


If anything, I should think they might offer an extremely deep discount to present DAC2 owners whom they have severely inconvenienced over this matter. Rewarding a company for poor behaviour and myopic business practices rather sticks in my gullet. And having a company ask me for that reward...well, that's just an insult.


So...here we are. DAC2 Owners Held Hostage...Day 25.

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Yes...we are closing in on one month since the release of Mavericks and all W4S has had to say is 'any day now'. I noticed today, on another forum, a statement saying 'any day now....if you like, you can call us'. Gee, thought we could call them anyway....I know I have on quite a number of occasions.


However, there is precious little difference between 'any day now' and "give us a call and we'll tell you 'any day now' by voice". In that same post, they once again shift the blame to Apple over this certificate issue. Of course, no mention even yet that W4S made a mistake and let something slip past them that could have and SHOULD HAVE been caught and dealt with at least a month prior to the Mavericks release. Also, no mention of the fact it took a telephone call from an owner to force them to publish on their website that there was an issue in the first place.


An interesting note, in this other posting they now tell us all that we can of course always pay them to update our DAC2's and we'll no longer need to worry about drivers. This is not news. We've known about the upgrade path all along.


However, I do have to question this attempt to help the company to make a profit from their short-sightedness and their glaring mistakes. In the midst of all of this, to be told 'Any day now...but if you give us MORE money we'll make your problem go away' just plain smacks of ransom.


If anything, I should think they might offer an extremely deep discount to present DAC2 owners whom they have severely inconvenienced over this matter. Rewarding a company for poor behaviour and myopic business practices rather sticks in my gullet. And having a company ask me for that reward...well, that's just an insult.


So...here we are. DAC2 Owners Held Hostage...Day 25.




23 NOVEMBER 2013:


Well W4S has had a beta DAC2 driver download on their website for four or five days now. The first three days when I attempted to install the new (albeit Beta) driver all I got was a message that the "disk image" was not compatable. I have no idea what that means.


For the last two days I have been able to get through the entire set up menu until the "installation failed" message appeared.


I think W4S needs a new developer.


If anyone wants to buy a W4S DAC 2 let me know. There has to be a better way.

In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake ~ Sayre's Law

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While Wyred4Sound, Chord, Metrum et al really should have either ensured new drivers were available or at least posted clear notice that it was incompatible with Mavericks ... This whole thing should be a lesson to everyone to check compatibility BEFORE upgrading a major OS and to ensure you have a full backup before doing such an upgrade.


Beyond the world of home audio; I'm sure there are tons of devices which have needed new drivers to ensure compatibility.





...in my opinion / experience...

While I agree "Everything may matter" working out what actually affects the sound is a trickier thing.

And I agree "Trust your ears" but equally don't allow them to fool you - trust them with a bit of skepticism.

keep your mind open... But mind your brain doesn't fall out.

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I installed the beta last night with no issues. Seems to be working just fine here.


When I upgraded to Mavericks I installed on a separate partition on my Internal HD along side Mt Lion so it was a clean install. So my Mavericks never had the old drivers loaded. Did you have the old drivers loaded before your install of the beta drivers? If so you may want to delete drivers and try to install the beta driver. Just a thought.

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While Wyred4Sound, Chord, Metrum et al really should have either ensured new drivers were available or at least posted clear notice that it was incompatible with Mavericks ... This whole thing should be a lesson to everyone to check compatibility BEFORE upgrading a major OS and to ensure you have a full backup before doing such an upgrade.


Beyond the world of home audio; I'm sure there are tons of devices which have needed new drivers to ensure compatibility.





I know, I know. I should have waited. It was my first upgrade since I purchased the iMac......I thought, what the hell lets see if this new OS is nice......what can I say, I am a dope. ( and not in a good way )

In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake ~ Sayre's Law

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