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Article: Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011

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Am I to assume you are referring to me?<br />

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Foolish? That is subjective and so simply your opinion.<br />

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Would be interested if you could explain that though. I am not a troll, I simply cannot fathom all the gushing about a businessman.<br />

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All the biggest tragedies are forgotten in days in todays society.<br />

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But SJ deserves so much praise for what?<br />

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What if Alan Sugar died tomorrow? Would there be a similar reaction? I doubt it, apart from serious fans of The Apprentice.<br />

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Hi maximus_normalis - This is not a discussion about society and whether or not society forgets tragedies. However I will say forgetting tragic events is a defense mechanism humans have been using since the beginning of time. It helps us get on with daily life. Forgetting terrorism is a wonderful defense to those who seek to get into one's head using violence. I can't imagine thinking about all the world's tragedies frequently. <br />

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Steve Jobs was a business man who helped create products that changed many people's lives. The products were improvements for many people as such they like to pay respects to the man for improving their lives. That's it. Nothing societal. <br />

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Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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