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"Computer audio causes the OCD audiophile community to freak out ...."

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Just kidding. But people who get into audio tend, often, to start tinkering with every variable -- cables, speaker position, whatever -- you name it.


Just getting into computer audio, but it strikes me that we now have a massive increase in the number of potential variables (at least compared to being stuck with your CD player or transport/dac once you bought it/them). Hell, you could load like six different "players" on your computer if you feel like it. And several file formats. Not mention the usual cable suspects.......




mac mini 2011, Transparent audio usb cable, bryston bda-2, hegel h300 integrated amp, audio physic virgo 25 speakers, transparent audio speaker cables interconnects and digital cables.

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your point is? Let's think back to the release of every other format released. Vinyl (gigantic amount of variables), eight track (well maybe not), cassettes (big time fiddling there! How many different tape types were there?), CD (gold cds anyone?), HDCD. If only it was as simple as one single format, one type of computer, one piece of playback software, one dac.


It's not.


I for one am happy to have had the opportunity to sample so many different programs, connections, file formats, etc., as we all try to come to grips with this burgeoning field.



PS. Ever try a belt drive cd transport or a vacuum tube dac? I especially liked old Mullards in the California Audio Labs Tempest. *s*



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I meant to be humorous, if that wasn't clear. This is fun. I do think the number of significant variables is bigger than we've ever had within easy reach at one stage of the playback chain. It's fun.


mac mini 2011, Transparent audio usb cable, bryston bda-2, hegel h300 integrated amp, audio physic virgo 25 speakers, transparent audio speaker cables interconnects and digital cables.

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I mean how many different cartridges, preamps, VTA's, tonearms, cleaners, brushes, types of needles,etc., etc.

Crazy amount of variables in vinyl playback back in the day and now. Try the difference between a $200 Grado and $2,000 Benz for starters.


PS. *s* I got your humor...just not agreeing that it's as bad as some folks think.



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I do think the number of significant variables is bigger than we've ever had within easy reach at one stage of the playback chain. It's fun.


Well, I don't think this is so much fun at all. Not that I suffer from OCD, but if I hadn't arrange for a few things myself, I certainly would be visiting a doctor for it now.


But it depends on what one perceives from differences I guess. Differences from software alone could make me crazy, just because there *are* differences which shouldn't be (as I thought some 7 years back), which *thus* tell (told) me that possibly none was right. So when this leads to starting your own playback software just to "know" what's in there, and which thus is your only proof that nothing is added wrongly etc., well, you avoid OCD but next run into some other problems.


It is fun alright that I came as far as I did with it. But I never saw a spare hour of time in my life anymore.

Still it is worth it I think.







Lush^3-e      Lush^2      Blaxius^2.5      Ethernet^3     HDMI^2     XLR^2

XXHighEnd (developer)

Phasure NOS1 24/768 Async USB DAC (manufacturer)

Phasure Mach III Audio PC with Linear PSU (manufacturer)

Orelino & Orelo MKII Speakers (designer/supplier)

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