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  1. An old cartridge's suspension can and usually does oxidize and harden. I don't know what are your set-up skills and you were using an "old" turntable. I could take an "old" Sony CDP101 CD player and listen and tell you that digital doesn't "grab" me but that would be unfair. So how about this: you send me an email at [email protected] and I'll dropbox you a 96/24 file sourced from high quality vinyl—your choice of music—and then you report back here how it did or did not "grab" you
  2. The reason I claim "High Fidelity sound reproduction is superior" from vinyl is because it is demonstrably and reliably true. Calling it an "antique" technology is infantile. It is an old concept modernized via the most up to date technology. The comments here about pops and clicks and rumble etc. are silly to anyone using up to date analog technology to play back records---even and especially old ones played dozens if not hundreds of times. I have given my vinyl rips to many manufacturers of high quality DACs who use them as demos, never telling listeners they are hearing vinyl ripped to high rez digital. They use these rips because they sound better than their own source material. I suspect most people here have never heard state of the art vinyl playback and dwell upon the negatives. I have a state of the art digital system and have reviewed many including DCS Vivaldi, which is as good as I've heard digital audio sound but my ears prefer vinyl because it sounds more "real"---and if that is a result of additive artifacts, I don't care. The entire process of recording music is both an art form as much as a science, and ultimately is an additive artifact. Anyone who thinks the digital recording process is without flaws and without its own set of colorations is claiming perfection for a man-created technology and there's simply no such thing. As for who is buying and listening to records, trust me, I've got my ears to the ground on that one and the demographics are wide-ranging and younger than you might think, and sound does play a large role in this. My readers range from 10-80.... Michael Fremer
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