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new mac mini and w4s dac2 ,,,what to load that will work with this?


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I'm looking for advice on what to load on this mac mini

I'd like to use my iphone as a remote and hook the mac mini into the wyred4sound dac2 then into my mcintosh mc2200 into speakers..



give thoughtlessly ...love fearlessly...dance like no ones watching

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gdears, if you should glance at my profile, you will notice that I have all the players known to mankind for the Mac (I think all). Well, in any case, plenty of them. They are loaded on my SSD (main drive in my Mac Mini). I had been using Amarra (Full) as my default player. Have used and enjoy immensely Pure Music but still find Amarra (sound) has the edge.


Most recently especially with the latest update, Audirvana Plus is also wonderful and now fully integrated with iTunes or you can turn off that integration. Apple's Remote app works perfectly. I also was and still from time to time use BitPerfect, another wonderful player, that works with the Apple Remote app. It is so simple, yet sounds excellent. Truly. No fuss, just works. Same with Audirvana. And Fidelia. And Decibel.


Loading all those programs won't cause you any problems. You can compare and if you decide to keep them all (as I did) then you can play which every player whenever you care to. You can also compare and contrast a little easier with them installed even on a trial basis. Switching off from one to the other. Of course, you must insure that with hog mode, you close one before launching the other.


Hope this was helpful if not earth shattering. Enjoy the music.





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