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Need help in ripping CD's and choosing right software to play them!


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I just bought Easy CD-DA-Extractor yesterday, because I was ripping CD’s using iTunes Apple ALAC format and every time I played/compared music on my audio equipment I can hear the quality difference between the original CD and ripped ALAC format. So I bought Easy-CD-DA-Extractor recommended by CNet. Now I have couple of questions


1) I want to make sure that I rip my CD’s in absolutely the exact same format as they are on original CD. Lot of my CD’s are in 24/96 format. Which format should I use to rip them, I don’t care about the Hard Disk space?

2) I do not want to force a specific Bit rate and Bit Depth for the CD’s as it may differ from CD to CD. If I leave it to auto, then how do I see which Bit Rate, Bit Depth and Sample Rate Easy-CD-DA-Extractor is ripping these CD’s at?

3) Just to start I chose Wav(Standard) format but I have lot of CD in Audio DTS and HD DTS and Audio Blu-Ray DTS format’s. I wish not to pick a different format manually for every single disk. And if I have to, then which format should I use without any compression without any any loss?

4) When I rip the CD’s, its putting all the music in same directory, can it make a directory for each CD without me creating it manually?

5) I have a computer with GForce GTX 560 HDMI 7.1 sound card in it, but its connected to 2 speakers system only does it matter while ripping the music?

6) Finally I need am application that can read and send clean signal to my audio equipment. I have Arcam receiver, Krell power Amp and Monitor audio speakers.





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