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Article: Part 1: Headphone Impressions from A recent “Audiophile Trip” to India

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Thank you, Sajid, for the international perspective! Out of curiosity, do you have any well recorded and well performed Indian artists you'd recommend? I'm curious about anything from complex classical music to modern mash-ups or modern "alternative" (for the Indian audience). I suppose I get some of this from British artists but I just thought I'd ask because perhaps you have particular tracks or artists or performances you like for evaluating cans/speakers?

Sum>Frankenstein: JPlay/Audirvana/iTunes, Uptone EtherRegen+LPS-1.2, Rivo Streamer+Uptone JS-2, Schiit Yggdrasil LiM+Shunyata Delta XC, Linn LP12/Hercules II/Ittok/Denon DL-103R, ModWright LS 100, Pass XA25, Tellurium Black II, Monitor Audio Silver 500 on IsoAcoustics Gaias, Shunyata Delta XC, Transparent Audio, P12 power regenerator, and positive room attributes.

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On 11/6/2021 at 9:24 PM, Sajid Amit said:

My wife likes Indian music more than I, lol.


I grew up mostly in the US, so my test tracks are pretty standard, from rock and pop to indie, jazz, metal, etc. I was a metal head growing up but now listen to everything really, given how different headphones play well with different genres. 


I hope it wasn't too presumptuous to think that if you'd travel to India and do a headphone meet up, that you might have some favorites from that "world" to share!


As for metal, well, let's not scare everyone here! lol

Odd thing is that well-recorded or produced metal is, like all other genres, just that much better on a good system (or at least a tuned system). Bass lines, kick drums, the whole works...

Sum>Frankenstein: JPlay/Audirvana/iTunes, Uptone EtherRegen+LPS-1.2, Rivo Streamer+Uptone JS-2, Schiit Yggdrasil LiM+Shunyata Delta XC, Linn LP12/Hercules II/Ittok/Denon DL-103R, ModWright LS 100, Pass XA25, Tellurium Black II, Monitor Audio Silver 500 on IsoAcoustics Gaias, Shunyata Delta XC, Transparent Audio, P12 power regenerator, and positive room attributes.

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