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EtherREGEN: The long development thread. [Some Gen2 dev. pics and update starting on page 92.]

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Been thinking a lot about going for either the EtherRegen or the OpticalRendu


I like the products from both these companies but cost comes into it..


With the LPS1.2 not working on the OpticalRendu (thus requiring a new power supply) plus the cost of an OpticalModule the $$ add up.  I’m sure it’s worth it but then I only bought my Ultrarendu and LPS1.2 a year ago (and the microrendu and LPS1 the year before that)


On the other hand the EtherREGEN can make use of one of my old LPS1’s and in theory should do much of what the OpticalRendu does in terms of isolation (and I get to keep the LPS1.2 powering my renderer).  Only positive I can see with the OpticalRendu is that it’s supposed to be a bit more than an UltraRendu with an optical input so I would be missing out on those gains..


Still - it’s exciting times that we have this choice from two fine companies


But I will hold off making a decision until initial impressions come through on the EtherRegen - and it wouldn’t surprise me if in 6 months I end up with both when the LPS1.3 comes out!!

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