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Error Shows up in Streaming Qobuz within A+ 3: Unable to Load First Track

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I just initiated the promotional streaming trial for Qobuz within A+3.3.  When I got to the subfolder "Discover" within A+ (on the left) and click to play an album, I get the following Error Message:  "Unable to load first track".   Can someone please advise me here?  Would Appreciate.  Thanks.


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MBPro i5 > Audioquest Coffee USB > Emotive Audio Customized Valve Preamp > Emotive Audio Custom E-Linear 6L6GA Amp > Modified Custom Quad57s (Wayne Piquet)
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@27Globes:Some albums are not available for streaming due to contractural agreements with the artist i.e. some Dylan albums don't load or if they do they won't play OR you will get a short version in MP3 quality of songs and they will be grayed out-Erica Jung" albums now do not play for me so she must have removed  herself from Qobuz

MY A+3 will only play TIDAL MQA albums/songs I get get no sound from Qobuz or non MQA TIDAL material


Go to your Qobuz desktop app or get the new WEB Player and see if the songs /albums you want to hear play there


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Thanks, Bob... it's ridiculous  how overly complicated has become that which should be simple and straightforward. Spending way too much time trying to work out these apps and providers :)


Always on the learning curve...

MBPro i5 > Audioquest Coffee USB > Emotive Audio Customized Valve Preamp > Emotive Audio Custom E-Linear 6L6GA Amp > Modified Custom Quad57s (Wayne Piquet)
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Go to your Qobuz desktop app or get the new WEB Player and see if the songs /albums you want to hear play there

If I go to their web player... the audio plays out of my MBPro... I use the their desktop app there is no audio.  What I get is that in order to take advantage of the promo, you have to play it through A+... the promotion entitlement is linked with A+


Always on the learning curve...

MBPro i5 > Audioquest Coffee USB > Emotive Audio Customized Valve Preamp > Emotive Audio Custom E-Linear 6L6GA Amp > Modified Custom Quad57s (Wayne Piquet)
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Go to your Qobuz desktop app or get the new WEB Player and see if the songs /albums you want to hear play there

Correction.... with their desktop app... I can stream tracks through my system... but only teaser parts of each track... So I can't figure for the life of me... where promotional trail is in this thing.


Always on the learning curve...

MBPro i5 > Audioquest Coffee USB > Emotive Audio Customized Valve Preamp > Emotive Audio Custom E-Linear 6L6GA Amp > Modified Custom Quad57s (Wayne Piquet)
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@27Globes: And I have the direct opposite problem since I upgraded to A+3- no sound from Qobuz or non MQA TIDAL material only sound I get is from TIDAL MQA albums or playlists or MQA playlists I made! NO help from Damien@Audirvana and both the MQA and ME2 usa reps by phone could not explain this but then again I have had Qobuz since 2012 and TIDAL since it's inception so I do not have a trial version.

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Well what i discovered with their desktop app was at the bottom there was an icon to link it to my specific DAC... and thus I was able to play tracks, BUT only samples of them.  I had a pre-existing account with them... and signed in with that account via Audirvana+3.0... But no where do I see any signs of being able to use the streaming free for the trial month.  With their WebPage app... forget it... that plays through my Mac's internal speakers... :)  Also, I can get the website to covert to English... but not the desktop app or able to change that preference through my account.


Haven't tried TIDAL yet through A+3.0 promotion... but was attracted to Qobuz some years back because of their jazz  and classical selections in particular.  So, I can't get access to this Qobuz promotional  trial unless it's just not available to the States.  I don't know how something so basic can be made so complicated and convoluted.  But, they sure figured out a way to do it.


In terms of MQA... my DAC is not compliant... but I my understanding is that Damien has made adjustments for those DACs that are not within A+3.0 programming


I can't imagine that I am the only one running against this problem..


Always on the learning curve...

MBPro i5 > Audioquest Coffee USB > Emotive Audio Customized Valve Preamp > Emotive Audio Custom E-Linear 6L6GA Amp > Modified Custom Quad57s (Wayne Piquet)
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