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Just got a Yggdrasil!

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7 minutes ago, The Computer Audiophile said:



I believe he is a customer, not competitor. 

He is very close to the dac manufacturer and it is my understanding they know each other very well , maybe personal friends ? 


Mani can clarify when he wakes up from his sweet dreams . 

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3 hours ago, manisandher said:


Do I have a special relationship with a manufacturer? Not sure what you mean by 'special', but sure, I get on with many of the Principals of the companies that produce the gear I own. Manolis at Tune Audio, Reinhard at Thöress, Thomas at Elrog, Pat at AR-T... and yes, Peter at Phasure... among others.


Having the ability to form relationships is the sort of skill that seems lacking in certain posters here o.O.




Oh, I have a new one now. The Altmann Attraction DAC. Only 12,000 Euros now. Bargain at twice the price. Look how I 'strongly advocated' it in this thread: DAC test - 'Old School' vs. 'New Kid'.



I'm so impressed by how much Mani can afford . Maybe I'll give his opinions more weight . Lmao . 

You best friends with Peter , correct ? 

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17 minutes ago, firedog said:

Wow. Again, resorting to ad hominem attacks.

Do you make such a comment about everyone here who has expensive equipment? Maybe you should repeat the same comment every time Chris posts - he has a very expensive system (sorry Chris).

Everyone one has equipment they like and don't like. Mani doesn't like the sound of the Yogy-big deal. Get over it.

He's talked about many DACs that he likes - except for one they aren't made by Peter. So why bring that up? How is it relevant?

I do this because it appears Mani has ulterior motives in attacking Schiit and it's flagship dac , the Yggdrasil . I read all of the former Yggdrasil thread and that just increased my suspicions . 

Yet he claims the Chord 2qute is superior to the Yggy . 

I dare anyone to compare the two in blind testing and judge for themselves . 

His dac opinions are worth little imo . 

By the way , he constantly brings up how much he makes and can afford . Just look at prior Yggy threads . It's annoying .i have never seen anyone else in this forum do this , ever .


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2 minutes ago, manisandher said:


I've met Peter face-to-face exactly two times in my life. (I wish it were many, many times more because he's one of the most remarkable people I know... but there you go.) If this is your idea of 'best friends', then my earlier comment is more apt than even I could have imagined:




Thanks for clarifying  Nope that's hardly best friends . 

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1 minute ago, manisandher said:


I may have mentioned that I'm in the fortunate position to buy any DAC I want (within reason). If that irritates you... that's your problem.


I normally charge for my coaching services, but it seems you're in dire need of some. So here you go... this is totally for free :D:


One way of interpreting the word 'responsibility' is to break it into its two components, i.e. 'response' and 'ability'. Everyone should have the ability to respond to any stimulus in which ever way works best for everyone involved.


Horny, take control of your feelings towards things other people say on internet forums.



In the states , we call people who constantly boast about what they can afford or what they earn A...... Holes . 

I don't know if they do the same in the U.K. 

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1 minute ago, manisandher said:


Totally your problem. Deal with it.



 Have to say if I owned a business or was an individual that pays for your motivational speaking or whatever it is and I saw your posts in this thread I would cancel your contract . 

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19 minutes ago, Jud said:


Think for a minute if someone said you should fail in your business/job because they didn't like what you said on a hobbyist web forum.  Would you think that was a little much, and maybe they should leave off the personal attacks?


Edit: To be clear, that was hornytoad I was quoting.  The forum quote mechanism may have made it look like mani's.

It's his tone and condescension  ,not his diatribe about the Yggy itself. 

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17 minutes ago, semente said:


If his DAC opinions are worth little then why are you making such a fuss?

Because we have all heard his arguments a million times. 

Its the same argument over and over and over. 


We get it .He doesn't like the Yggy. 


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