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Perfect Wave DAC MKII or Metrum octave with audiophilleo 2?

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I currently have a Metrum Octave with an audiophilleo-2 feeding USB to it (USB is my primary source). I've been getting the upgrade bug recently and have been looking at the PWD MKII, which apparently doesn't need a USB->SPDIF converter. Financially, this would be a pretty substantial increase, but would I really get that much more out of it? Has anyone compared the two? Thanks

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Sorry can't comment on your specific question, but want to offer an idea: one other option is to get a PurePower for your Audiophilleo. Many people have reported very significant improvements in sound from doing so. Also a lot less expensive than the PWD upgrade.


I have an Octave as well and considering an AP+PP as my next step.


Let us know what you decide and how it works out. And good luck!

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