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  • The Computer Audiophile
    The Computer Audiophile

    Live Tweeting From Rocky Mountain Audiofest

    The show is off to a great start. There are some very good products for computer audiophiles. Here is my live feed directly from the demo rooms :~)



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    User Feedback

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    How I wish I could participate on that Audio Fest. The live tweet from that Audio fest is really helpful and useful. Well I just got a problem with my credit card. Just about every sector of the finance industry is doing everything they can to lower interest rates, well – except credit card companies. The interest rates on the infernal plastic have been rising lately, while card limits have been dropping. Oh, and long time customers aren't warned about it in advance! National savings rates are going up, as more people put their own money away instead of borrowing to spend, and card companies need to increase revenue. In all fairness, the hike in <a rev="vote for" title="Interest Rates on Credit Cards are Steadily Rising" href="http://personalmoneystore.com/moneyblog/2009/10/14/interest-rates-credit-cards-steadily-rising/ ">interest rates</a> seem fair – because a credit card company suit shouldn't have to wait another week to buy his next Ferrari should he – or should the consumer not be punished to make up for their market follies?

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