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No forum for vinyl conversion?

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I just signed up here today after discovering this site during some Googling. Maybe it's a bias on my part, given what I was originally looking for, but it seems quite an omission not to have a forum here that's specifically for the whole business of converting vinyl to digital.


FTR, what I was specifically looking for (but can't find) is a true audiophile grade ADC unit that focusses on doing just the job I need it for, for which the specific specification would include:


- highest-quality AUX level analogue inputs via standard RCA type connectors

- Firewire 800 connection

- Thunderbolt connection (at least as an option, if not standard)

- maximum resolution/sampling rate of 24-bits/192 kHx (are higher capabilities yet available? I haven't seen them)

- minimalist controls (if any?)

- clean/smart aesthetic design


I don't want/need:


- phono stage/RIAA correction

- masses of unusable inputs and outputs

- front/back panels cluttered with costly and unneeded sockets, controls etc


I want a box that puts the emphasis on the quality of the sound, not on providing a list of functional capabilities as long as my arm, which I'll never have a use for!


I surely cannot be the only person that's in the market for such a product, can I?

Of all the offspring of Time, Error is the most ancient, and is so old and familiar an acquaintance, that Truth, when discovered, comes upon most of us like an intruder, and meets the intruder's welcome.

Charles MacKay (1841)

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