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DA and AD

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I have a large library of DAT and PCM that I am looking to transfer to hard disc. I know that I have to come out of the PCM analog because PCM has pre-emphasis encoded on the digital stream and unless there is pre-emphasis decode on the other end, there is pretty severe loss of low end. As a result, I need an AD as well as DA for playback. Does anyone make an audiophile quality DA AD for

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Hi Matty13,

both Lavry and Apogee are both audiophile and pro.

I work in the pro audio business and in most recording studios I see Apogee converters.


Some time ago I did a similar job to the one you're going to do and got pretty good results using my Apogee Rosetta 200 with the FireWire option installed.


I also use the same Rosetta 200 as a DAC for my hi-fi system and I'm completely satisfied.






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