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Article: A View And Preview Of New APL HiFi Speakers

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15 hours ago, PeterG said:

I'm OK without recognition, but would never be OK without a listen before buying.  Google APL US dealers--it appears to be just Joel's living room.  My sense is that we are a year or two away from being able to listen/buy. 


This is not a complaint of APL/Joel, just the hard reality of trying to break into a tough market.  Let's hope this review helps!


(Joel, if the rest of us come to visit, can we get a sandwich or at least some cookies?)

Not only can you get some cookies but, given that my wife is native-born Chinese and Jewish (please read the article on Medium (https://medium.com/mind-cafe/how-to-marry-and-have-four-newborns-at-60-ecdc23e8e4a8) if you went to know more), you can get home-made kosher Chinese here. 


I'll pick any of you up and return you to the airport. 


Who's in?



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