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Article: Realism vs Accuracy For Audiophiles | Part 2: The Real Sounds Of Live Music

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1 hour ago, ARQuint said:


There were.


I found 13 answer sheets, and these were the results:

 3/12 correct










 9/12       (violinist)

 9/12       (violinist)

 12/12     (audiophile)


I don't pretend that this goes much beyond "anecdotal" but one other part of the experiment was interesting to me. The subjects were actually presented with two differently randomized series of files, the first encoded as 16-bit FLAC and the second as 145 kbps MP3. My "star"—the audiophile who got 12/12 correct with FLAC—got just 7/12 right with the MP3 trial.


Maybe you remember, Jud, I'd mentioned the idea of an online version of the trial. Originally, my thought was to do this via the TAS website but as the site is no longer "interactive" (a good thing, IMO, given the frequency of childish and totally OT posts) maybe we could do it here, if Chris was on board. Any interest?



I can embed WAV and MP3 if you want to do that test as well. 

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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6 minutes ago, Jud said:



Thank you kindly for the setup, I've been wanting to do this for ever so long. 🙂


Have a listen and see whether you can get Miles' little musical joke in this cookin' blues. (Musicians like @bluesman should get it very quickly, so no fair spoiling it for everyone else!)



I don’t get it :~)

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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24 minutes ago, Jud said:

OK, time for the reveal - skip to the second last paragraph if you're impatient, or you can humor me for a bit and follow along.


Pretty much every blues ever has 4 beats to the bar.  The lyrics have that iambic "foot" thing going (ba-DUM ba-DUM), which is the rhythm of Shakespeare (he wrote in iambic pentameter - 5 iambic "feet" to a line), so you can put on the blues, break out the Shakespeare, and they work perfectly together.  I remember Leonard Bernstein singing Macbeth to the blues on an old recording.


Because blues is the foundation of rock, you'll find the same there.  You can listen to any rock station, classic, alternative, whatever you like, for days or weeks and never hear anything but 4 beats to the bar (excepting the occasional run of triplets, as in Simon and Garfunkel's 59th Street Bridge Song, a/k/a "Feelin' Groovy").


There are small variations on this with big effects, like reggae's emphasis on the one and the three instead of the two and the four, or James Brown creating an entire funk industry with "on the one."  And then there is the inverse, big changes that almost pass unnoticed, like Dave Brubeck seemingly just playing along normally until you realize "Take Five" is actually a pun and that song is 5 beats to the bar.


If you want to get away from the tyranny of 4 beats to the bar, you can go to jazz, or, perhaps counterintuitively, some hip-hop, which can be incredibly creative rhythmically, different rhythmic lines running around and through each other.  (Though yes, some hip-hop stays strictly with 4 beats also.)


Now, Miles - "Red China Blues" is an example of what I was talking about with Brubeck, big changes that can easily pass unnoticed.  How many beats to the bar?  Listen, and you'll notice it's 6.  A blues that is very nearly in waltz time.  (Waltzes are 3 beats to the bar.)  Miles is saying "You think *you're* cool?  I'm playing a blues in g*ddamn *6* and making it *cook*, motherf**ker!"


(BTW @bluesman, I agree about the quality of the album.  Not one of his better efforts overall.  I bought it because he was coming back from one of his periodic illness/addiction bouts, and I wanted to hear what he was doing.)

This made my night. Thanks @Jud.

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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