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Is now the right time for "Extreme Week"?

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3 hours ago, sdolezalek said:

for many the cost of the kinds of equipment we lust after on Audiophile Style may have permanently moved out of the range of what is affordable.  


I have never thought of AS as a high-end gear audio forum. The emphasis always seemed to me to get the best gear/software at the least cost, bang for buck. In the days of "CA" owning expensive gear could get you ridiculed.



I'd love to see us equally dedicate a week to reviewing some systems that really deliver the best available listening at an affordable level. 


I think this is already covered in the forums regularly - the extreme week, is more the exception, which I welcome



I think if I spent half as much on my next purchase and donated the 50% I didn't spend, that sitting back and listening to those sounds might be a much more satisfying experience...


I don't feel indulging yourself is mutually exclusive with helping others. You can do both. I just don't think the moral imperative should be brought into an audio and music hobby.



Sound Minds Mind Sound



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4 minutes ago, Iving said:

 You can't spend the same money, time - or even enthusiasm and psychic energy - twice. Whether on self, family or others.


looking after oneself as well as others is NOT mutually exclusive.


4 minutes ago, Iving said:

I disagree strongly that our moral views should be inhibited or policed.


Who said they should be but this is not a church, nor a political forum. I also don't want my choices "policed" or judged.


4 minutes ago, Iving said:

The OP makes a fair point. Many in the world are struggling even more than they were already because of Coronavirus - and there are some proper heroes helping them voluntarily or for not a lot of cash. Why shouldn't we reflect on that here.


This is conflating totally separate issues and IMO way inappropriate


4 minutes ago, Iving said:


 If this were a Motor Forum, what would be wrong with declaring that you'd have trouble spending 80k rather than 20k or 30k on a car at this time in human history.


and what is wrong with spending 80k on a car? Perhaps it will help stimulate the economy and keep people employed. But, as i said this is not a political or religious forum

Sound Minds Mind Sound



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2 minutes ago, Iving said:

What's under the bonnet here is culture. And diversity of culture. We are what we talk about (both chicken and egg). It's good to talk.


How does diversity of culture and/or embracing all cultures relate to caring for people dying of coronavirus or the heroes helping them? We can all contribute in our own way to help and look after others. having some much needed escape time and fun is not taboo, and if that means spending money that will end up in someone else's pocket eventually, so be it. Just as importantly it is how you spend your time, giving of yourself, not just dollars, that matters.

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1 hour ago, Iving said:


You seem to be missing the point.


I don't think so.


1 hour ago, Iving said:


Culture is about beliefs; or, more particularly, values. I certainly am not talking about [embracing all] ethnic cultures.


Then you should have particularly stated that you were talking about beliefs and in particular, values - not a broader construct "What's under the bonnet here is culture. And diversity of culture"


1 hour ago, Iving said:


Patently you and I have divergent beliefs and values.


Not necessarily. I may well share your values but just not want to talk about them in an audio forum. Your statement that "moral views should not be inhibited or policed", implies that I do. This is a mischaracterization. IMO there is a time and a place.


1 hour ago, Iving said:


Talking about beliefs and values amongst ourselves has an effect on culture (that was the main point of my last post). Freedom to talk - should people want to do it - is a civil liberties matter.


No-one is implying a denial of civil liberties. I prefer if we keep politics and religion and the pandemic out of HiFi discussions.

1 hour ago, The Computer Audiophile said:

I’m doing my best to keep AS from being as big of downer as the world in general right now. I’ve closed topics related to the pandemic because we all get enough of that elsewhere. AS is an escape from reality for many and focused on a hobby that brings us enjoyment.


1 hour ago, Iving said:


If we are at cross-purposes, don't worry about it. That's not a crime either.



Sound Minds Mind Sound



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5 hours ago, austinpop said:

I view the time spent here on AS, and on the hobby as a whole, as a salve for the stresses we are all going through. If I can bring value, even joy, to someone with my writing, that is motivation enough.


Well said.


5 hours ago, austinpop said:

I also want to highlight that @ray-dude is a long time AS participant. His journey, like mine and many of us here, started with modest gear, and he's tried to chronicle the path from those modest beginnings to the current "Extreme" state. To me, this is a far more engaging and inclusive style of review, because many of us, if not most, can identify with some stage of his journey. Even if we won't (or can't) go as far as he did, it connects us to his story far more than a conventional review that just talked about the Extreme vs. other high-dollar servers.


This is also the reason why I didn't feel that twinge of "guilt" reading it, because I could see that his gains were hard won, and he had an exquisite appreciation for what he was gaining with his purchase. Had he taken an "entitled" tone, I think I would have found it jarring, particularly in these times.


I think we all need to be very sensitive to the plight of others and part of that means not taking an entitled tone. Part of it also means doing something that helps, if and as we can.


Many of us are profoundly lucky to be in a situation where we can indulge in such hobbies let alone "extreme" hobbies that, in this particular case, are "extremely" expensive. That said I am not sure that assuaging guilt follows because gains were hard won, or there was an exquisite appreciation for what was gained. It is still extremely expensive in absolute terms and to someone far less fortunate, the distinction may be moot.


The higher moral question remains is it justifiable to spend such amounts of money in these difficult times and on what a great many would consider a frivolous pursuit.


Everyone has to wrestle with that question. I would argue that provided it is done sensitively guilt should not apply. There are other worthwhile joys to be had and redeeming features that have been expressed by others. I support the high-end reviews at AS and do not consider them a "guilty" pleasure. I respect others' who hold different views.



Sound Minds Mind Sound



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2 hours ago, Teresa said:


I consider $300 headphones to be extravagant and I certainly flinch at that price, so I guess I'm part of that 99% you mentioned. The most I have ever spent on new headphones is $150. I got my current Sennheiser HD 518 headphones for less than $100 when they are on sale at Amazon. I also consider any component priced over $1000 extravagant.


I know there are lots of rich people on this forum but there are a few of us poor audiophiles with limited income too. Just saying. 

Hi Teresa,

spending more than $20 on headphones to some people may be extravagant, meaning that your headphones are extravagant to those people.


My view is that money alone should not be the sole criterion of what's best quality.Money is an indicator of affordability which will vary with the individual.


However, IME a $10 million house IS generally better than a $200,000 house. Now, I cannot afford the expensive house, but I would not a) begrudge anyone who can and b) deny the superiority of the more expensive house


Moral judgements aside and policing of what is extravagant, price should not come into assessments of quality. There is a correlation between price and quality but it is not 100% and you don't always get what you pay for, nonetheless the correlation exists.



Sound Minds Mind Sound



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