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Artificial audiophool

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About the size of a shirt button, yet powerful enough to transform the way you experience music, HFT’s improve nearly all aspects of system and room performance.

What is it?

HCFS is the successor to FAT32 file system, and is designed to be the ideal file system to store music files. Using FAT32, a file with large size is usually compressed or compressed to a smaller file for easy storage, but using HCFS, music files can be stored much larger, which is more efficient and faster. The HCFS file system is fully supported for file system operations, from basic writing, to large file operations, to compression and file transfer, all stored in a file system in a simple modular way. HDAC is the new file processor of HDAC (helicopter file accelerator), which uses the data path and compressed file for data compression and writing. If one can't believe what a good job HDAC has done, they can find out at the HDAC page.

HCFS was born based on an idea that HDAC used for the first time in the 1980s as a file processing system for MP3's. At the time, there was a growing interest for a file system that could


(Synergistic Research)

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This is an Audioquest original, but seems like it was computer generated, after all:


In one direction, music will sound relatively flat and a little grainy, as though being forced through a screen door. In the opposite direction, the obstruction is removed and music will be communicated with a natural ease, depth, and an open invitation to pleasure. When presented with a cable whose conductors have been controlled for the correct low-noise directionality, a listener feels a sense of comfort and relief: Ahh…Music!


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19 minutes ago, mansr said:

Letting the AA ramble on with that prompt:


In one direction, music will sound relatively flat and a little grainy, as though being forced through a screen door. In the opposite direction, the obstruction is removed and music will be communicated with a natural ease, depth, and an open invitation to pleasure. When presented with a cable whose conductors have been controlled for the correct low-noise directionality, a listener feels a sense of comfort and relief: Ahh…Music!

The most famous experiment performed to test cable cable's effect on sound was conducted in 1873 by the Austrian professor Johann Moltke in Vienna. In 1874, Moltke was sent to the Grand Duchy of Vienna to conduct a study of his son, who was a famous pianist. A total of 25 people were subjected to cable music. In all of four consecutive listening tests, each individual listener was asked to select an equal number of songs in which each of 10 musical instruments appeared in the same key, and to rate the listening intensity of each piece according to the overall musical effect that it produced to them. The final data reported in those results were presented with the following explanation:

"The results are thus: When presented a cable with a characteristic high harmonic frequency (C), [it


You know I'm going to hear all of this next month at T.H.E. Show next month in Long Beach California.

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20 hours ago, mansr said:

Someone made an easily accessible version of the GPT-2 text generator available at https://talktotransformer.com/. I fed it a few random sentences from snake oil websites.


I fed it a few random sentences from snake oil websites. You can choose your own adventure as a rat (or snake!) but the point will be that it does not know any better.

The rat seems rather like a living nightmare. It is sitting cross legged on the floor, holding its head slightly above its chest and its eyes closed as if asleep. There is a small pouch of food in its mouth, but it is not feeding. If you try to feed it anything then it will just spit it away. The rat seems to be unable to stand or crouch, and its legs seem to be weak and awkward. It is also quite hungry, it usually starts eating with its mouth open and can usually only eat one piece of food at a time, even though it has been taught how to eat by you in the lab.

If you try to feed the rat anything its jaws will suddenly get large and rigid, and it will attempt to climb up the table. If you raise it too high it will probably fall over onto its back and become paralyzed before you can do anything. It will also keep kicking you around and throwing objects at you.




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I had never been alone with a Russian-manufactured 6C33C tube. At least not at night, in the dark.

That looks like the opening line of some bizarre equipment fetish porn, or perhaps the opening to some hipster steampunk horror novel?






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  • 1 month later...

Do cables matter?


Do cables matter? It depends on how many are in place, but it appears that the majority (maybe 80, and not really a majority as the US military is quite clear as to which cables are acceptable), are no where near enough.

With a larger number of connections between the poles and cables this sort of thing becomes much more likely. The cables in the US can get tangled in the cableway due to the weight of the cable, and a lot of that weight is generated via electricity. The cables in other countries may not see so much electricity generated when they aren't attached to anything but power lines, but it does add up.

There are some people with very sophisticated hardware that can take some of the load without causing too much of a mess around the poles themselves, so some extra power is not going to be necessary. However, some of the equipment we have is not quite designed for something like that, which isn't particularly bad. As a general note I prefer wiring myself, although there is one cable that is extremely hard to bend, I'm getting to the end of it now.

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Mqa is to do with the ability for men and women with mental health struggles to have a productive and healthy relationship. Men and women that need therapy and help.

While I certainly disagree with MQA, but if our nation wants to stop suicide, we will need to be able to speak to those who are at risk in public schools, public places or even our city hall.

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