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USBridge Wifi

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I purchased the wifi adapter accessory and noticed it was crashing some time after the adapter was added  (it does temporarily show up in ifconfig but disappears, I checked dmesg and it appears to be shutting off the adapter after failed reads) so I couldn't set Volumio to connect over wireless.  I noticed there were some support drivers provided (https://www.amazon.com/clouddrive/share/P1HFsnBb8qpVO8ToialM7vRv1sunMSE2Ehmi1teGeBn/8bK-sJaySECnQ_mxX2DuYQ?_encoding=UTF8&mgh=1&ref_=cd_ph_share_link_copy) that I should install to get the adapter working.


With the zip downloaded I've installed unzip, make, and build-essential to get some necessary utilities and tried running install.sh as root.  It looks like it's failing at 

make[1]: *** /lib/modules/3.10.38/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.

where /lib/modules/3.10.38/build appears to be symlinking to /root/sparky-linux which doesn't seem to be an actual folder.


Since I already had to enable SSH on Volumio to get this far and I'm a little apprehensive of chasing things too far here -- is there something else I need to before running install.sh?


Alternatively, is there another adapter with out-of-the-box support for the USBridge running Volumio?


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Ah sorry - yes using the supplied Wi-FI module.  I was able to get it to work after restarting completely with the dongle seated during startup.  It may have just been an issue with USB hotplugging as I haven't had a problem since as long as I do a full start from  power off (not restart from Volumio). 

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