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MQA technical analysis


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Think bigger. Google doesn't put pressure, the advertising income can put pressure on people. If you write about music, then you'll see Adsense ads for people selling music. One only has to look at the Adsense stats to see which ads are paying him the most, and tailor his content to talk more about the stuff that brings in more income.


I'm not suggesting this happens on his site, I'm only suggesting that it's a bit strange for people to suggest advertising on other sites matters, but advertising on his site that supports your view point doesn't matter. that's all.


I'm not suggesting his income is comparable (your word) to the other sites.



Hi Chris. With due respect, I think you're beating around the bush a little. A better way to say that is that his blog is not his "day job".

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Why, exactly? You have just noted sensationalism works well; I'd add to that anything, really, that tends to make someone other than run-of-the-mill. Middle of the road need not apply. So either mythmaker or mythbuster.


Publications regarding the high end audio industry tend toward excitement and enthusiasm for the product. If you wish to read payola into that, it's your prerogative, but frankly I doubt any such thing is really necessary to get people who are "into" audio and love to write about products to sound enthusiastic. That space is already well covered.


So any individual who wants to drive traffic better look at another market segment, and Archimago has one. I don't think he needs to change what I assume are his natural skeptical tendencies to write what he does, any more than I believe journalists for the magazine sites need to change what I assume are their natural mostly enthusiastic tendencies in order to write what they do. I attribute nefarious motives to neither. A desire to drive traffic? Of course. Who wants to run a business to lose money?


Apples and oranges. Hobby vs. Day Job. Blogger is a free platform that is free because of the Google ads.

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I like being able to see the measurements and other information on your site, and other similar information here. They are very often very helpful.


I do happen to think better understanding leading toward what can objectively be called progress will actually come not solely from what you are referring to as facts, but also to some degree (it might be small, but some) from what you are referring to as "opinions" and "testimony." There are some things at which human perception is very bad in comparison to technical means of measurement, but yet there are certain areas where human perception is as yet superior to anything technology can provide. I think we ought to make use of each in its areas of superiority.


While I agree with what you're asserting here, I still think we're not addressing the "business reality" and how a successful "business" with regards to "audiophile social media" pretty much depends on an overall favorable opinion from the vendors. Based on what I've seen on his blog, Archimago is not bound by that "red line" where perhaps Chris is.


When a certain other Audiophile Social Media Personality swaggers in here to take others to task, the clear motivation is to "protect" his business.


My point is that if there is a line between pro-vendor and pro-consumer in audiophile social media, it's not possible to make a successful business without being on the pro-vendor side of that line, period. Archimago is clearly on the pro-consumer side of that line, and has accepted the reality that he will not be rewarded by "business success" as a result. This clearly gives him a level of freedom that often invites scorn and even envy from some quarters of audiophilia.


I disagree that Archimago should consider subjective testimony when conveying information to his readers. There's far too much of that in the mainstream audiophile press and social media and it would only invite mistrust from his readers.

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And he told me to tell you to grow up. I see that you and "Mansr" continue with your silly views about other people's motives which only serves to put yours into question.


Just so I'm clear, what I'm saying is that you don't know what you're talking about but for some reason you enjoy making shit up at other people's expense. This isn't me protecting my business, it's me telling you to fuck off.


If you've been following this thread, you should have seen (as I did) multiple requests to keep this out of the thread. It's off topic. You're more than welcome to start a new thread to air your grievances if it will help you to feel better.

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